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Adonis Time Clock is an application designed to simplify the hourly registration onboard by using the principle of clocking in/out work hours.
To access the Time Clock working area, crew members can use their current pin and passcode  or  passcode or a swipe card.

System Architecture

To enable the Time Clock to communicate with Adonis Personnel Manager database, the Time Clock Web Service (AdonisTimeRegSrv) needs to be installed.


•CPU 1.6 GHz or better recommended.
•512MB of RAM minimum (1GB or more recommended).
•50MB of available hard-disk space.
•Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10.
•.Net Framework 4.0 or higher.
•Display resolution (1024x600, 1024x768, 1366x768) with Touch Screen (optional).
Continues Operation when Server is Unavailable
The Time Clock application uses a local cache and will function even if the database or the Time Clock Web Service is not online.
The moment the Time Clock Web Service is back online, the Time Clock will upload the cached information back to the server.
Together with a proper UPS on the panel PC, 99% uptime can be reached.
The Adonis Personnel Portal
See separate documentation.


Before the Adonis Time Clock Client Software installation, you do not need to uninstall any previous version.
! To start the installation, go to the download area of our web site or to your ftp area and download the latest version of Adonis Time Clock.
Once the download is complete, go to the downloaded path and double-click the installation file to launch a setup wizard.


Administrator rights are required when installing


Adonis Time Clock.

To install the Software run TimeClockInstall_v2017.xx.xx.xx.exe and follow the instructions. Step 1: Welcome ScreenStep 1

The Welcome dialog appears on the screen:

Click Next to continue.

Step 2: Additional Network Settings


  • So, this mode does not allow to start starting another application except Time Clock.
  • If you set Kiosk Mode, please type password of a the current windows user.
  • It will allow Windows to make auto logon on startup and will not ask user for password.
  • If the current user has no password, leave it empty.


Now, let us examine the configuration settings as well as cache and log files in more details.

General Settings

Switch to the General Settings tab to view the settings:

Below you can find the description of the settings:

  • Remove border from main screen. Use this option when displaying the application on a panel PC in Kiosk Mode.
    You can remove the standard windows form. If you use the application on desktop, you can switch this off to display the standard windows border.
    Default value: TrueSelect the checkbox to remove the standard windows border. It is recommended to use this option when displaying the application on a panel PC in the Kiosk Mode.
  • Stay "Debug" window on top of main window. Select the checkbox to move display the Config Window to the on top of other windows.
  • Hide mouse cursor (for touch screens). Hide Select the checkbox to hide a mouse cursor when mouse is above application (. The option is intended for touch screens of a panel PC).
    Switch this on when running It is recommended to clear the checkbox when running the application on a laptop.
    Default value: False
  • Prevent Disable display dim, turn off and sleep mode while application is running. Select the checkbox to prevent the panel PC from disabling the screen or turning on sleeping going into sleep mode.
  • Description: Path to folder where application data will be saved. Application must have write/read access to this folder.
    Data Data folder. The field contains the path to the directory where the application data is to be saved. The data folder is used to store the local cache. When the server is unavailable, the Time Clock registrations are stored locally and transferred to the server once it is up and running again.

    • You can check contents of the cache at Pin Cache, Work type Cache and Time Zones tabs.
    To decide from where take time zones settings, from panel PC (Windows) or from time zones table.
    When this option is switched on, it checks the server what time zone to use.
    If switched off, the panel PC needs to be reset manually. The Time Clock


    Make sure the application has the read/write folder permissions.

  • Use Time Zone table. The setting is used to determine the time zone. When selected, the application checks the time zone on the server. If the option is not selected, the panel PC is to be manually reset. Adonis Time Clock then uses local time onboard when registering the time clock transactions.
    The time zone table contains the information when moving the clock back or forward.
  • Enable Gangway option allows Gangway Enable Gangway. Select the checkbox to enable the Gangway registrations (sign on/off or offshore visit).
    For more details about Gangway Functionalityinformation on the Gangway functionality, click the following link Gangway
  • SignOff button visible only on Estimated End Date. Select the checkbox to make the Sign Off button available on the panel only on the estimated end date. If the checkbox remains unselected, the Sign Off button is available if a crew member is onboard.
  • You can select which skin to use.
    Adonis can customize a skin if needed. 
    Default value: 1

  • After entering the time, the system shows a confirmation or thank you screen.
    Use this option to define how long this screen will be visible.
  • Location, free text field to identify the location of the Time Clock.
    Admin Pin: This is the pin to access the configuration screen.
    Default value: 0000

    0000 is a pin that is not used in the Adonis Personnel Manager. 

    We recommend not to change this setting. 
    Or this pin should begin with '0' not to intersect with APM. 
    Description: Access code of Admin Pin to get access to Config window. 
    Default value: 1266472012 
    You can change password here.

  • To exit the Time Clock when running it on a panel PC.
  • Brings you to on-line User TimeClock Instructions.


  • how to communicate with Card Reader;
  • where the information is stored on the magnetic strip.

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  1. Card Reader Settings
    Card reader debug mode
    Description: All read data from card will be displayed on main screen if this parameter is True.
    Debug mode allows you to see input string coming from the magnetic strip.
    Default value: False
    • Require password if card used
      Description: Application will ask for access code after card was read if this parameter is True. Otherwise, next screen will be shown without checking access code (allows the end user to swipe the card and skip the passcode selection screen).
      Default value: False

      Log card reader events to log
      If set, all card reader events will be logged in the log file.

      Pin extraction parameters

      Line number
      Description: Line on card where pin is.
      Define what row of the magnetic strip (1 to 3) contains the pin number.
      Default value: 0

      Use start position and length to determine where in the line or row the pin number can be found.

      Start Position
      Description: Number of character on card where pin begins.
      Default value: 4

      Description: Length of pin on a card.
      Default value: 3
  2. Serial Port Input Settings: If the card reader is connected to the panel PC via a com port, then this is the place where you can configure the com port.
    Check with supplier of the card reader what com port settings to use.

  3. Keyboard Input Settings. If the magnetic input is sent via the keyboard buffer, then switch this option on.
    Use the end of input card key time out.
    Description: Time in milliseconds. If there are no keys received during specified time interval than application clears input buffer and starts processing received card data.
    Default value: 200
