Original French document: DSN Specification DSN-CT-2021.1.pdf
Temp solution:
1) Download the following three files from ftp://ftp.adonis.no/files/upgrade/PersonnelManager/Plugins/DSN
- Monthly DSN Structure Tree.ADS
- DSNTopics_Import_2020.csv
- adDSN.dll
and copy them to ..\APM\PLUGINS
2) Upgrade to APM 2020.50.5.1 if not yet available the latest internal build APM 2020.50.4.9.
3) Prepare the database
Execute the file Monthly DSN Structure Tree.ADS from APM > Tools > Execute ADS Script (you will need the password for AD_UPDATE)
4) Upload the DSN ASC Code
Start the DSN Plugin (APM> Tools > Export > DSN
From the plugin screen select Import Codes and select Load From File.
Select the file DSNTopics_Import_2020.csv
The client needs to be in the payroll period of 2020.
Once the codes are visible press the start Update
If successful the codes are visible in the Payroll > Annual Summary Codes > National Code DSN.
What is next:
Setup the Annual Code References