Versions Compared


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Define Medical Documents Views

  1. Enter Code and Text (will be shown as a title of a corresponding page). 
    Include Groups. Please define what medical documents codes will be included into the view.

    0-999 means that all medical documents with Sort value between 0 and 999 will be included into view.
    If nothing is defined in this field, all medical codes will be shown in this view.

    Security Code field. When a security code other than '0' is defined, it is possible to set up different access rights (Read, Write, None) to this view for different users' levels. This can be done by administrator in Adonis Control Centre > General Codes > Medical > Medical View:

    View Grid > Columns Definition - in this section you specify what columns will be shown in the view.

    Click  and select the Heading from available list.

    Click  to delete the column. 

    Click OK to save the view.

 If you plan to enclose (attach or link) some scanned copies of documents to medical records, you should input one or more Enclosed Documents Codes in General Codes first.


  • Starting from ver. 2015.1, the radiobox Planned/History is changed to checkbox Planned. If a checkbox is not set, the document is considered as Historical (this means that the Date From of the record can not be in the future. A corresponding message is shown in case if a user creates a record with Date From greater than today). If a checkbox set, it is Planned.


Image Modified

Attach Scan

  1. Fill in the fields as below:

    Description. Enter the name of an attachment.
    Document type. From the drop-down list, select one of the types defined in Enclosed Document Codes (see Define Enclosed Documents Codes).
  2. Click New to choose between the options which allow you to attach: 

    File. Click to indicate the path to the file.
    WEB link. Enter the link to be attached. In case the link protocol is not specified, the system uses the http:// protocol by default.
  3. You can scan documents directly from APM and add the digital copies to the Medical datagroup. To do this, use one of the tips below:

    Click the Scan button. APM will try to automatically detect an installed scanner and will start scanning.
    Click the down arrow on the Scan button and select the Select Source option if you want to manually select your scanner.

If you do not see your scanner listed in the Select Source window, then your scanner driver has not been properly installed.
  • A special field Validity of Scan is available in a view definition. This field is painted blue if a scan is valid or red if a scan is not valid.
