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Patch 1 2019.40.2.1 for Adonis Personnel Portal is available for download. If you are affected by any of the issues from the "Release notes" below, please download and upgrade your system.

To make sure that everything works properly, please install the patch on your test environments first.

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Adonis Personnel Manager2019.40.2 Patch 1


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Patch 2019.40.2.1 Patch 1 Release Notes

9th October, 2019
KeySummaryComponent(s)Release Notes
APM-3240Rotation planning sign-off left did not create a current activityModules\Rotation Planning

When signing of a person in the rotation planning module the next activity was not set to current. The issue occurs when there existed payroll generated activities overlapping the current and or planned activity.  

APM-3249FK references not compatible with the partial replication configurationReplication

Removed the pwlog_payroll_exec (payroll exectuction log)  FK reference to the following tables; PW001P0Y,  PW001PYH,  PW001PYH,  PW001PAI,  PW001P0C,  PW001P0C,  PW001P0C,  PW001PAY,  PWORGCMP,  PWORGCMP,  PWORGVES

This foreign key was stopping the replication of the above tables if the  payroll execution log was linked to a a person not part of the partial replication. 


This patch is mandatory for those companies both using the partial replication and the payroll module.