APM-4252 | User with no access to calculate is offered to calculate | When modifying personal payroll info, module allowed to re-calculate person’s payroll even if APM user didn’t have access rights for Calculate routine |
APM-4281 | Possibility to lock Bank File Generation when someone else is currently processing | When several users were simultaneously working with Advance List for BDO and/or RCBC balance actions – it could result in sharing the same counter (used as part of file-name) when generating telepay file, so it was not readable |
APM-4283 | Need to populate field ACTIVITYSEQ for Allotment entry codes generated from Activity | Database field, referring to parent activity of a payroll transaction, was not populated when creating Allotment entries |
APM-4297 | BDO Bank File - Mandatory Receiver Address | We made Receiver address fields to be populated mandatorily for BDO balance action payment files |