Besides, Companies can be of 2 kinds: crew pools and vessel pools. Crew pools are the companies used to unite all crew, that is Crew pools collect all crew linked to these organizations in Personal Details. Vessel Pools are the companies uniting all vessels below. Crew are linked to vessels via activities.
Here is a sample how a base organization structure can look like:
You can see the upper level, Concern, is called The Global Group here. Then we have 2 Crew Pools, Global Maritime LTD and Global Oilfield Services. Then we have 2 Vessels Pools, Coastal Vessels and Workboats, and Cruise Ships. Each of them have their vessels below.
Such a structure, with having separate crew pools and vessel pools is quite handy, as each crew pool can have their own payroll and other settings, without influencing vessels.
Tip |
Best practice: make a very clear organization structure with separating vessel pools and crew pools. |
Organization set up can be re-structured any time: The organization units are identified with a unique number, Internal Org Id, (NUMORGID) which is assigned by the program when a new unit is created. By using this number as the identifier of each unit, it is possible at any time to restructure the organization’s outline without losing the integrity of the database. The Internal Org Id is also used to select crew by their connection to various units throughout the program and in reports.
Below is a sample of a common setup for the Companies/Crew Pools. For each level, you can set access rights in the Adonis Control Centre.