Make a selection of people in the Crew List that you want to save.
You can use filter on column for a simple selection.
Adonis Query for a more complex selection.
Or you can manually select the persons you need in the Crew List and cut them into a temporary selection as described below.
Info Step 1: Find all the persons in the Crew List that you want to include into a separate selection.
Step 2: "Copy to Temporary" either form the Ribbon Menu or from the Quick Access Menu (by right-click on a record)
Step 3: Click "Clear Crew List". The list will become empty.
Step 4: Then use "Paste" to copy your selection into the empty list. All the persons that you have selected will be copied.
Step 5: If you don't need some person, you can select it and "Cut" it from the list.
Once the selection is ready click Save Selection > Static Private/Common in the Ribbon Menu.
Another way is to right-click on the record > Save Selection > Static Private/Common.Click New to add a new selection.
Input the Name and click OK to save it.
Loading a Static Selection
Open the Adonis Query and define the required criterion.
e.g. to find all persons who have certain rank/activity/documents.Once the selection is defined, press the Save button in the Ribbon Menu.
In the window that appears you need to define if it is a Private selection or Common.
Loading a Dynamic Selection
Note |
Important! Before using Date Dependent selections you have to create the Activity Categories and link them to Activity Codes.
In the Ribbon, Menu click Save > Date Dependent under the Selection section.
Another way is to right-click on the record > Save Selection > Date Dependent.Specify selection criteria to find the needed person in the dialogue window.
You can use right-click to tag/untag all possible records.Save the selection.