Make a selection of people in the Crew List that you want to save.
You can use filter on column for a simple selection.
Adonis Query for a more complex selection.
Or you can manually select the persons you need in the Crew List and cut them into a temporary selection as described below.
Info Step 1: Find all the persons in the Crew List that you want to include into a separate selection.
Step 2: "Copy to Temporary" either form the Ribbon Menu or from the Quick Access Menu (by right-click on a record)
Step 3: Click "Clear Crew List". The list will become empty.
Step 4: Then use "Paste" to copy your selection into the empty list. All the persons that you have selected will be copied.
Step 5: If you don't need some person, you can select it and "Cut" it from the list.
Once the selection is ready click Save Selection > Static Private/Common in the Ribbon Menu.
Another way is to right-click on the record > Save Selection > Static Private/Common.Click New to add a new selection.
Input the Name and click OK to save it.
Loading a Static Selection
Open the Adonis Query and define the required criterion.
e.g. to find all persons who have certain rank/activity/documents.Once the selection is defined, press the Save button in the Ribbon Menu.
In the window that appears you need to define if it is a Private selection or Common.
Loading a Dynamic Selection
The requirements stored in the selection will appear in the Adonis Query. This possibility may be very useful if you need to change some requirements, then you can re-save the selection.
Date Dependent Selections
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Important! Before using Date Dependent selections you have to create the Activity Categories and link them to Activity Codes.
In the Ribbon, Menu click Save > Date Dependent under the Selection section.
Another way is to right-click on the record > Save Selection > Date Dependent.Specify selection criteria to find the needed person in the dialogue window.
You can use right-click to tag/ untag un-tag all possible records.Save the selection.
Note: It is very convenient to create Date Dependent selection for each vessel to have a possibility to view the crew onboard today per vessel.