Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents



In addition, the APP contains the Adonis Administrator Portal that allows an onboard administrator to centralize maintenance of time clocks, including schedule of upgrades and Time Zone changes.

See Configuration of the Adonis Time ClockClient Software section.

Example Service URL: http://server/AdonisWebServices/TimeClockWebService.svc


The moment the Time Clock Web Service is back online, the Time Clock will upload the cached information back to the server.

Together with a proper UPS on the panel PC, 99% uptime can be reached.

The Adonis Personnel Portal
See separate documentation.


Most panel pc are delivered with these ratio, if the ratio is not listed let development know we can modify the skin to fit the new ratio

Skins and resolution


Resolutions/Aspect Ratio


1024 x 600 (WSVGA)

1024 x 768 (4:3)

1366 x 768 (~16:9)

1368x923 (3:2) 


1024 x 600 (WSVGA)

1024 x 768  (4:3)


1024 x 600 (WSVGA)

1024 x 768  (4:3)

1366 x 768  (~16:9)


1024 x 600 (WSVGA)

1024 x 768  (4:3)


Any resolution


After installation, Time Clock configuration can be done in any of the ways:


  • Remove border from main screen. Select the checkbox to remove the standard windows border. It is recommended to use this option when displaying the application on a panel PC in the Kiosk Mode.

  • Stay "Debug" window on top of main window. Select the checkbox to display the Config Window on top of other windows.

  • Hide mouse cursor (for touch screens). Select the checkbox to hide a mouse cursor. The option is intended for touch screens of a panel PC.
    It is recommended to clear the checkbox when running the application on a laptop.

  • Disable display dim, turn off and sleep mode while application is running. Select the checkbox to prevent the panel PC from disabling the screen or going into sleep mode.

  • Data folder. The field contains the path to the directory where the application data is to be saved. The data folder is used to store the local cache. When the server is unavailable, the Time Clock registrations are stored locally and transferred to the server once it is running again.

    Make sure the application has the read/write folder permissions.

  • Use Time Zone table. The setting is used to determine the time zone. When selected, the application checks the time zone on the server. If the option is not selected, the panel PC is to be manually reset. Adonis Time Clock then uses local time onboard when registering the time clock transactions.

  • Enable Gangway. Select the checkbox to enable the Gangway registrations (sign on/off or offshore visit). For more information on the Gangway functionality, switch to Gangway.

  • SignOff button visible only on Estimated End Date. Select the checkbox to make the Sign Off button available on the panel only on the estimated end date. If the checkbox remains unselected, the Sign Off button is available if a crew member is onboard.

  • Location. Enter the location of Adonis Time Clock.

  • Main window skin. From the drop-down menu, select the skin you want to be displayed to the main page.

  • Confirmation screen visible time. Set the number of seconds after which the Confirmation dialog will autoclose.

  • Admin pin. The default pin number that allows accessing the Config Window is set to 0000.

    We do not recommend changing the pin number. In case you do, make sure that:

    the pin does not intersect with APM pin numbers  or the pin starts with 0

  • Admin password. The default access code that allows accessing the Config Window is set to 1266472012. To change the password, clear the fields with the current password and enter a new password twice. Once done, select the Show Password checkbox and verify that the entered passwords match. To reset the password to the default value, click the Default button.

  • Exit Application. Click the button to exit Adonis Time Clock when running it on a panel PC.

  • Help. Click the button to get redirected to the Adonis Time Clock user guide.


  • Enable card reader debug mode. Select the checkbox to display all the card data on the main screen. The debug mode allows you to see an input string coming from the magnetic strip.

  • Require password if card used. Select the checkbox to ask for an access code after a card is used. Otherwise, the next screen will be shown without checking an access code.

  • Log card reader events to log. Select the checkbox to store all card reader events in the log file.

  • Pin extraction params:
    Line number is a line on a card where the pin number is located. Define the magnetic strip row that contains the pin number.
    Start Position is a character number from which the pin number begins on a card. Use the start position and length to determine the location  of the pin number in a line or a row. The default value is 4. 
    Length is the length of a pin number on a card. The default value is 3.


Below you can find the description of the settings.

MIFARE reader settings


Select one of the card reader models:

  • Enable MIFARE Card Reader. Select the option to specify the card reader model in use and select the correct card reader in the Card reader field.

  • Enable MD150 MIFARE Card Reader. Select the option to specify the card reader model in use and and select the correct port name in the Port name drop-down list.

  • Enable ZCS100 MIFARE Card Reader. Select the option to specify the card reader model in use. If you use this card reader, please note that when crew is swiping, it's required that the TimeClock window will be in focus/active (it works like 'keyboard'; what window is active, where the data from card is inputted).

All 3 models can read and initialize the pin codes.

MIFARE Application Directory (MAD) vs TimeClock Sector

The application directory on Sector 0 contains the overview of the sectors used by the various applications that can program the card.

The application identifier is used to find the sector used by Adonis TimeClock.

There is the card supplier, for example: LabelCraft, that needs to provide a customer with the application id that can be used by Adonis TimeClock.

It is not required to use MAD/sector 0, in this case the Adonis TimeClock needs to know the sector to write and read the pin number from.

Again, it is the third party supplier that needs to supply the free sector.



If the MAD is used, then enable the Look for TimeClock sector in MAD option and enter the MAD identifier in the respective MAD Application identifier field in hexadecimal. The identifier is required to find the sector where the pin number is located.

  • Read Key is a security key required to access the sector where the PIN is stored (read the data). The key must be specified in the hex format.

  • Data prefix is used to ensure that a pin number is read (not a random number that can be interpreted as a pin number). Data prefix prevents from reading unprogrammed or wrongly programmed cards.

  • How to store the pin number on RFID card:
    2bytes that is the prefix that is placed in front of the pin number.
    It uses 2 bytes. The remaining 4 bytes are used for the PIN number.

  • If this prefix is not used (it is only pin on the card) please input '0' 

  • If the MAD is not used, then select Specify TimeClock sector and identify the sector that will be used (a value from 1 to 16). 

  • Pin is in ASCII format. Select the option if pin is needed to be read in text format or clear it if in decimals.

MIFARE program settings

Set the Program Time Clock Sector check-box and enter 2 keys:

  • Key A allows reading information from the sector where the pin is stored. 

  • Key B is provided by the third party supplier.

Select the Format TimeClock Sector checkbox. Use the option only if the cards are not used by any other supplier. The keys in the Before Format Key A and Before Format Key B fields are used to write the sector for the first time. Then it encodes the sector with the keys found in TimeClock Sector Key A and TimeClock Sector Key B. Each sector has 2 keys to be read (A, B). You can change these access keys.

From Release 2018.2.1, it has become possible to program the RFID card directly from Adonis TimeClock, without any need to address the third party suppliers.
For more information, see Working with RFID Card.

Working with RFID Card

From Release 2018.2.1, it has become possible to program the RFID card directly from Adonis TimeClock, without any need to address the third party suppliers.
When the Time Clock cannot detect the crew members pin number when scanning the RFID card, it will prompt the end user to initialize the card.
The system will then guide the crew member through the process to program the card:


Click Yes. On the next screens, enter your PIN number and year of birth:


Follow instruction:


Press OK

Initialization is finished.

Cache, Log Files

The following tabs list the contents of the cache, local log files and registrations:

Pin Cache

All crew members that are currently onboard (employees with an onboard activity) are cached:


  • If True – a crew member failed to log in

  • If Fasle - a crew member suceesfully logged in 

Crew Portal User:

  • If True – a crew member has an account in APP (record is in WEB_CP_ACCOUNT table);

  • If Fasle - a crewmember has an account in APP.

You can search by pin/name.

We can see that now there are 410 pins (in Total) in the list with 4 wokrtypes; last/next cache update date/time.

Click Update Cache Now button to perform refresh immediately.

Work Type Cache

The work types an employee can select during registration:


Work types can be added in the Adonis Administrator PortalPorta

Action Cache

Is used for Gangway functionality:


Is visible only if Enable Gangway option is ON at General Settings tab.

Time Zones

Here we store the various time zones and local onboard time changes:


The active/in use Time zone is highlighted green.

Time zones can be added/managed in the Adonis Administrator Portal.

Operation Log

All communication between the server and the TimeClock is logged, as well the communication with the com port or card reader:


Here you can check Date/Time, Action description, Status, Duration (in sec.) and actual Result of any operation.

Time Reg Request Queue

Contains all the cached time entries made in the Time Clock/panel PC during the time the server was unavailable.
It means that even if Panel PC is off-line, crew members can continue swiping and making registrations.
We can call them 'pending registrations'.


The queue contains Work Start Time, Pin, selected Work type, Status, number of Attempts and detailed information why the request was not uploaded to the server (with waiting Status) or if the registration succeeded after server became online (Sent status).

  • This queue is empty when the server is available (no current pending registrations).

  • From here you can remove unneeded registration by right-clicking the record:

    Image RemovedImage Added

Centralized Maintenance (APP)

From the Administrator Portal, you can maintain various Time Clock installations onboard.


Displays the overview screen listing all installed Time Clocks onboard.
From this screen, you can modify various configuration settings for one or more panel PCs, set notifications and schedule automatic upgrades:


  1. The list of Time Clocks installed onboard with Location, Status (online or offline), Version, IP address and Notification Status data.
    Here you can tag needed one(s) to work with.

  2. Refreshes the overview screen.

  3. Here we can enable notifications to inform if any of the Time Clock is offline:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    For this, Notification Service needs to be previously installed.
    If we set the checkbox, the following Notification Task Form appears: 

    Image Removed

    Image Added

    Please define:
    Notification Interval (in min.) – Notification Service checks if any panel PC is offline for the set period, if so - sends the list of offline PCs. 
    Recipient email (s); 
    Email Subject and Body (instead of {OFFLINE_TIMECLOCK_TABLE} will be the list of PCs with Offline status). 

    Click Save.

  4. Displays the settings screen for one or more timeclocks (depends which you tagged in the list).
    The following tabs are available: General Settings, NetworkSettings,Card Reader Settings and RFID Card Settings:

    Image RemovedImage Added

     For all details: see From the Panel PC section. 

  5. Update screen
    This allows you to schedule the upgrade.

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Enter the date and time you want to upgrade the TimeClock and select the update file.
    File needs to be previously uploaded to appear in the drop-down list.
    See TimeClock Update section below.

  6. Here we can disable offline notifications for one/several tagged PCs:

    Image RemovedImage Added

    For example, this can be useful if the administrator knows about a breakdown/problem with some panel PC, and while it is being fixed, he does not want to receive offline notifications.
    For this, set the checkbox and define the Date/Time from or choose from Now
    Also set duration period Disable for (in min.). 
    OfflineTimeOut – if during this period the system does not receive SyncSettings request from the TimeClock(s), the TimeClock state/status becomes offline in the Timeclock Maintain Tool – TimeClock Overview screen. 
    Please pay attention: OfflineTimeOut value must be set more or equal to Sync Settings interval (the number of seconds the Time Clock checks the server for any configuration settings) set on Network Settings tab. 
    Default value: 2 minutes.
    When you're done, click Save.

  7. Click to restart tagged panel PC record(s) in the TimeClock overview list.

  8. If you want to remove unneeded records (panel PCs that are not used any more), tag records in the list and click Delete
    If you deleted some real/online record by chance, the system returns it in the list after refreshing (TimeClock is run on this panel PC).| 

TimeClock Update


Special update file needs to be previously saved/uploaded to appear in the drop-down list.
Click Update to save your settings.

This day/time selected timeclock(s) will be silently upgraded.

Only if timeclock is on-line.

If it's offline for some reason, upgrade will be performed immideately after it backs on-line
