By default, you are at View page > Rotation Maintenance tab .After a rotation plan has been activated, all the further work is done herethat contains active plans.
Here you can assign/remove persons to/from shifts, adjust shifts lengths, add positions, etc.
The created beforehand rotation views are displayed like tabs. Select needed view and plans linked to this view will be listed (for details - see Housekeeping > Rotation Codes and Views Setup section).
Manage Menu
Open button opens the selected plan. You can also use the do the same by double-click.
View Filter function allows to select only which plans to display: current or historical plans.
Select the plan you would like to work with and double-click it or use Open button.You can see two tabs It has two options: By Plan and By Filter on Rotation Maintenance view. Currently, we're at By Plan tab.
By Plan lists all activated rotation plans. Using this view, you can only look at one plan at the time.
This means you can not look at the planning for all deck officers for a category of vessels.
By Plan is opened by default.By Filter gives you the possibility to select a team using cascade filtration.
You can select: (Vessel type, Pool, Vessel, Department, Rank)
For all details, see User Interface > Overview Screen > By Plan, By Filter section.
Expand Plan button allows to simplify work on setting up rotation plans, because it is now possible to continue working with an existing rotation plan by adding shifts to it instead of creating a new plan.
See Functionality > Expanding Plan section.
Print has list of customized reports enabled for Rotation Planning module (see Housekeeping > Rotation Reports section).
Working with the plan
Once we opened a plan by double-click or Open button, we see 3 three tabs to the left:
The Maintenance tab is the most important one. It is very similar to the Graphic page on the Planning stage but provides numerous possibilities (like adjusting a shift length, re-assigning a person for a specific shift, removing a shift, etc.):
All Interface/layout details you can see in User Interface > Plan Details Screen section.
The Details tab is the same as it was at the planning stage.
Except State = Processed, and it is not possible to change any information.
But you still have chance to link the plan to another Rotation view.Click Apply if you made any changes.
The Notes tab allows a user to input any comments related to the rotation planning work flow.
All the notes input during the planning stage are brought to the maintenance stage.
This means, option Use Activate button to modify/create activities for modified shifts is OFF in Global Options.
Using Activate Button
If the Use Activate button to modify/create activities for modified shifts option is ON:
Only the shift modifications are applied after clicking Apply button, but activities are not created.
To create activities in this case, the Activate button should be used.
Info |
Mainly, the customers do not use Activate button, just Apply to simplify the procedures. |
The shifts that were modified but not activated yet are highlighted with diagonal stripes:
It is possible to find all such shifts by right-click and selecting Tag > All modified shifts.
All the changed shifts will become selected.
To activate the changes, it is needed to click Activate button.
If a user clicks Yes for the appeared confirmation message, all changes will be activated (activities created/updated).
Info |
For your convenience, there is also possibility to activate many changes for several plans at once. |
For example, a user can perform changes in one rotation plan, then moves to another plan and makes some changes there, without clicking Activate button.
Then, when all work is done, it is possible to activate all changes in all plans by one click Activate Changes button on Rotation Maintenance view.
Shift Right-Click Menu
In this section, we review the options which become available o right-clicking a shift in the current rotation plan:
Assign person (only for empty shifts)- the standard Find Person dialog will appear
It gives 4 major ways to find a necessary person (Direct Input, Position Criteria, Advanced and Onboard).
Remove person - the person is removed from the shift & the dialog offers you to select an activity that should be created instead of the existing sea-service (sick, leave, training or other). You can also add a comment to explain why the planning was changed.
For all details see Assigning and Removing Persons section.
Delete shift removes a shift.
If several shifts are tagged, the one tagged is the last deleted one.
You can delete only empty shifts.
Sign On/Off is used to perform sign-on/off procedures (if Rotation is not linked to Crew Change).
Search functionality
From the menu, select Search… This opens the Find person in rotation dialog:
Case-sensitive to distinguish between lowercase and uppercase of text values.
Exact Match to search for values meeting the exact input.
Partial Match at Beginning to search for values by first inputs.
Partial Match Anywhere to search for values meeting the specified criterion at any place of the search value.
Locate Crew Change (Sign On/Off) command opens the Crew Change module & focuses on the crew change that corresponds to your selection (only if you confirmed sing on/off and there is link to Crew Change).
Tag selects all shifts from displayed diagram according to the selected option:
have been modified;
have person assigned;
do not have persons assigned.
Shifts above tags all shifts on the lines above the one with tagged shift.
Shifts below tags all shifts on the lines below the one with tagged shift.
Untag shifts removes all tags from all shifts.
Info |
All datagroups are synchronized with a shift selection. |
Rotation Shift Gantt
You can customize your screen by selecting Customized Font Type/Size, Height of Rows and defining various options concerning Rotation plan.
Info |
All settings made in Options window are remembered per user and do not influence other users. |
Go to the Options > Rotation Shift Gantt:
Timeblock is the shift block in Rotation.
Select font type and size for rotation module.
Highlight Active time-block by color. There is a possibility to highlight a selected shift with a color you choose.
Confirmed 'Empty Shift' color. When a user confirms a shift to be empty, it is highlighted with the selected color.
Modified shifts frame color - modified shifts are shown in a frame of the selected color.
For example:
When Apply button is clicked after some modifications, the frame is not shown any more.
Hint - used to define colour & time (in seconds) for a hint to be displayed when pointing a mouse to Gantt element and whether to wrap the text in the box.
Height of rows with overlapped timeblocks. It is also possible to define height of rows with overlapped timeblocks. This was done for convenience, because it is not always convenient to read persons' names on such shifts.
Minimum days to define an overlap – is set by the company.
Promotion Links. You can define, if you want to see the links between promotions shifts or not.
If you want the links to be seen, set Show option, select the color and pen width.
The promotion links will be displayed as the line connecting one shift to another:
If you do not want promotion links to be seen, select Hide option (do not recommend):
Display Data
Display Data - here you can select what data should be shown on the Maintenance screen:
In the Period section, select the planning period you want to be displayed by the Gantt:
Entire plan
Period between the dates
Number of days
In the Gantt Tree Area section, you can select the position/rank to be displayed in the Rotation tree as:
Position code, e.g. CAPT
Position name
Rank name
Hide positions that have no shifts in the future. Setting the checkbox lets you hide all positions in the plan that do not have any shifts in the future comparing to current date.
Display department name behind position. You can also set the department name to be displayed after the position name in the Rotation tree. It is very useful if your organization structure contains the same position names in different departments.
Timeblocks section
Scale starts from today - the rotation will show data from today's date.
Display person's initials instead of name
Gantt Diagram Area section
Please set the checkbox for the element that you want to be displayed additionally to standard approach.
Ports & Vessel Projects are displayed right above the assignment section.
a.Plan shows Calling Ports in the top row.
b.Plan shows Vessel Projects under ports row.
It is easy to see relations between shifts and these elements.
Experience/Certification Requirements - It is possible to follow visually Vessel-combined competence requirements during the planning process.
See here for details
Details Area section
If Display additional information in shift details option is selected, you will be able to see contract and payscale information for assigned person on Shift Detail tab.
Requirements Check
Required Combined Experience and Competences Check – define interval of days forward, for which Combined Experience validation will be applied.
We do not recommend to set a big number of days but only to limit it to some short planning period (e.g. 30). Setting a long period will result in application poor performance due to increased volume of data for processing.
When the number of days is defined - each Rotation Plan will show additional line Required Competences above all positions in the Rotation tree.
This line will show colored cells for the days, where assigned crew is NOT covering Competence Requirements as defined for this Vessel / Vessel Type / Operator.
See here for details
Shift Assignee Documents Check
In the Interval that need to be checked starting from today's date field you can input a nr of days (in our example 180).
Then all shifts with persons whose documents are expiring within next 3 months will be highlighted with yellow exclamatory sign
Other - here you can define additional settings:
Define what datagroup/module for assigned person will be opened once you double-click the shift.
Enable Rotation Maintenance Log, if needed for issues investigation purpose.
Personal Activities Gantt
Below the Shifts Graphic, you have possibility to see and maintain activities for assigned persons.
To enable Activities section (Activities Gantt), please go to Global Options > Rotation Planning:
Select the Allow Personal Activities maintenance option.
Let's review example screen:
Part 1
Select position in rotation tree, and you will see all pins assigned to this position in your plan to the left with all their activities (onboard, leave, sick, etc.) to the right.
Activities are displayed like blocks
Activities that are set with Leave Paid or Manual Liquidate Leave Days options in Gen.Codes are not displayed here as they are usually Payroll-generated and do not affect personnel planning.
Activity blocks can differ in color, please see Customization section for details.
On the timeblocks we can see activity type, position of the assigned person and vessel (in case if it doesn't correspond to the vessel of the selected plan).
Activity dates are additionally available on the hint for tagged activity.
We see red dots for the current expired activities (with EED less than today's date).
And yellow - for planned expired (with Start Date less than today's date).
For all activity types, not only sea-service.
Special sign near pin indicates that his activity block is active = currently tagged (for reviewing/modification).
You can click and move up/down to adjust gantt boarders.
It is possible to drag a crew member from Activity Graph to an empty shift.
This person will be assigned to the shift & all the usual rules/evaluations will be applied.
If a shift has already got an assigned person - system will notify you & no changes will take place.
You can modify activities directly from here.
It is possible to use mouse drag to change start/end date for a non-seaservice activity timeblocks.
All the changes are subject to system evaluation by activity type/priority (same as in Activity datagroup).
It means that overlaps are not allowed, activities that are overlapping will be truncated/modified according to their priority.
Part 2
Click activity block and below you will see its details: assigned pin, name, rank, activity code/type, dates (from/to/EED), etc.
Part 3
When you are located on the Activities Gantt, additional Activity menu becomes available:
opens activity details screen for tagged activity block (with read-only access for sea-service and edit possibility for not sea-service activities);
to add new non-seaservice activity for tagged person (click the activity block for needed pin > New > fill details (activity code, dates);
removes selected not sea-service activity.
available only when expired non-seaservice activity is selected (non-historical where EED <= Today). It calls the activity details screen > set activity to historical with DateTo > then you can save or cancel confirmation (not for future; only if all previous activities were closed/confirmed);
opens Leave Account Screen with leave days info for selected activity (same as in Activity Datagroup).
Balance – shows total nr. of days for selected activity.
You can choose between which exactly activities are viewed:
Linked to Selected Position - to select a position in the Rotation tree to see all activities for all crew assigned to this position.
Listed in Active Crew List - to show list of persons corresponding to who is present in currently selected crew list. This view also takes to count grid filtering independent on how many filters are applied.
1 - Sort out your crew list by any possible way that is of your current interest, e.g. only show crew with rank Cashier:
From ver. 2018.4,
button is added in Rotation Maintenance > Activity menu.
Now calls find panel which performs search through the Activity Gantt tree: