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Table of Contents



Various options of creating activities are grouped here in Radio-group (to avoid simultaneous use).

  • Use Apply button to create/modify activities for modified shifts (commonly used).

The Apply button performs not only Rotation shift changes but activity modifications as well (creating activities, snapping to ports, adding to crew changes).

  • Use Activate button to create/modify activities for modified shifts

All modifications of a Rotation shift will only concern the changes of Shift entity. Corresponding activities will not be affected. To process the shift for corresponding activity modification - Activate button use is required.


This option should be set for those customers who separate rotation planning & activities maintenance. For more details, see Functionality > How to Use Activate Functionality section.

  • Create activities when Signing On/Off

Activities are created based on confirmation of On/Off signing of a crew.


for customers that are not planning their rotations but just use the module for creating activities.

Confirmation of On/Off-signing is performed using standard functionality of Rotation module from shift's right-click menu or by corresponding menu buttons. No Planned activities exist in this case.
When Signing On - the current sea-service activity is created.
If any previous current activity exists - it is set Historical with DateTo=DateFrom(Sea-service) - 1 day

When Signing Off - system prompts a user on which type of non-seaservice activity should be created.
It offers Leave by default, but any non-seaservice type can be selected.

This activity is added as Current with DateFrom=Sign Off date + 1 day
The sea-service activity is set Historical with DateTo=Sign Off date

If Sign On/Off dates don't correspond to shift dates - the shift dates are updated accordingly.
Note that Sign On / Off functionality is available for multiple tagged shifts.

  • Create activities using Signing On/Off Wizard.

The option is used by customers who use corresponding Wizard for activity generation, confirming Sign On / Sign Off status.

For detailed description - please see Functionality > Maintaining a Rotation Plan > Creating Activities > Wizard section.

  • Don't maintain activities when activating plan (rarely used)

Activities are not created/maintained from Rotation Planning module. Besides, Shift Activities and Travel sub-tabs in the maintenance view are disabled.

Section 4: Various

Limit Rotation Planning to the Current Client. If ON, only those rotation plans are displayed in Rotation Overview, which are assigned to vessels below selected current client.



If you have no plan code, you will not be able to create a rotation plan as code is mandatory

to define:.


Go to the General Codes > Rotation Planning > Rotation Plan Codes and add plan codes you need.


button and fill in all required data:


Code – is unique Adonis alpha-numeric code. It can be numbers (1, 2 ,3 10) or letters, as you want.
Text – is descriptive name.
Sort – is sorting of the code. The codes with the smallest number will be shown first in the selection list, the ones with biggest number will be shown last.


Also, this value is important when creating rotation views, where we define what rotation codes (with what Sort number) will be displayed under certain rotation view. Please see Rotation Views section below.
Is Passive: set to make current code passive.

Click OK to save the code.


Plan Views

After adding rotation codes, you can define one or more rotation views.
Each view will be shown as a separate tab in the Rotation Planning module (to filter plans for different vessels/departments, etc.).
For every view, you can define what plans will be shown under the corresponding tab (Include Groups field).
Besides, you can set up separate access rights for certain views in ACC. It means, that one view can be visible for some users and can be hidden for others.


As a result, if any crew change (calling) port is registered for corresponding vessel in the Crew Change module, it will appear as small rectangle that corresponds to Crew Change dates in the same line with the vessel name on Rotation Shift Gantt:



This functionality is available only for the systems, where Rotation Planning module is set up to work with planned (not rotation) activities.|
