From ver. 2016.5, we introduce you to a new data group that will allow you to set up replication of personal data between necessary sites only.
Before starting work with the Replication Routes data group, you should set up all available Routes under General Codes > Replication Routes.
You can also define various Replication Routes Views to visually split Routes.
Code is a unique Adonis code for this view.
Text is the descriptive name of this view (it is what users will see).
Sort is sorting of the view. The views with the smallest number will be shown first, the ones with the biggest number will be shown last.
'0' means the very first.
Security code. Leave it blank if this view needs to be seen by every user. Input a digit there if you want to set different access for different users to this view.
If you add Security Code, this view code appears in Adonis Control Centre and an administrator can set (Write, Read, or None) access to it for different user levels. ACC > General Codes > Replication Routes > Replication Route Views:
Include groups. Here you define what replication routes codes will be included in the view. You can input groups separated by coma as well (e.g. 12,14,90).
0-999 means that all the replication routes codes with sorting between 0 and 999 will be included in the view.
If nothing is defined in the Include Groups field, all codes will be shown in the view.In View Grid/Columns Definition section, you specify what columns will be shown in the view.
Clickat the bottom and select the column you would like to see in this view.
Clickto remove the unneeded column.
Click OK to save the view.
If no views are defined, there will be the default Overview view on the data group page.
The newly added route will set the Date To for the previous existing route, as only one route can be used at on the same date.
Click OK to save the record.
Common Entry tool
If several crew profiles should be linked to the same Route with the same Date From, you can tag those crew in a Crew List view and use Tools > Common Entry > Replication Routes: