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Payment interface

Latest Version


Release Date

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APM Plugin

Change Log: 







Fixed the issues with disabled export button for Non Superuser

Fixed ‘Tag all/Untag all' buttons

Added the possibility to leave the Date field empty. In such case the Release_Date field in the export file will also be empty

Added the possibility to define the ‘Location’ field in the setup. This field is mandatory, and error will appear if the field is empty.

Changed the rule of the truncating First Name and Last Name fields:

  • FirstName should be truncated to 20 chars if exceeds;

  • LastName should be truncated to 20 chars if exceeds


  1. Entity Interface Id; added the possibility to define multiple Company Entity_Interface_id. In the configuration screen, you find a new tab, Entity Id, enabling you to link payscale tables to an Entity ID.

  2. Fixed the file name format; when exporting advanced and additional payments, the system generated the wrong file format. 
    File Name Format: 
    payment{custID}{optional client-defined data}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt
    The section {option client defined data} contains the information if it is advanced, addition or payment, the currency and company entity.

  3. Added the possibility to save the payment and enrollment files in two different directories—see Setup> General > Export Directories to select the directories to be used.

  4. Brightwell accepts the European Nation ID Card if the person does not hold a passport. 
    In Setup> Generate, you can select the travel book code identifying the ENID.

  5. The Brightwell interface supports adding multiple Company Entity_Interface_ID’s in one export file as separate batches. We have added the option “Slit export files by Entity ID in Setup > General. If checked, the plugin creates one export file for each entity id, adding the entity id to the section {option client defined data} of the file name..

  6. Brightwell does not support multiple currencies per account. If a person shifts from one currency to the next, the person needs to be enrolled once more in the new currency with a new unique identifier. We solved this by adding the currency to the PIN. Sample Pin=1234, Currency=USD => Brightwell Account no=1234USD.

    1. Switch on the option 'Allow multiple accounts based on currency' in Setup> General.

    2. In the candidate's tab, we added the following columns; Payscale Currency, Account.

    3. Updated the enrol functionality; only enrol persons linked to the selected currency.

    4. In the waiting for card tab, we improved the Card Received functionality by linking The bank account to the newly formatted account, Pin + Currency.



  • We have added new option 'Allow multiple accounts based on currency';

  • If the option is turned on, USD/EUR enrollment doesn`t change P0Y.Currency;

  • If the option is turned on, EUR/USD Enroll works only for persons, who have the same currency on the Payscale table used for the activity;

  • If the option is turned on P0Y.DEBIT_CARD_ACCOUNT_NO will become PIN+<PayscaleCurrency> after enrollment;

  • Payscale currency can be checked in the new added Payment currency column;


Changed the format for the export files.

If the option ‘Split Export Files By Entity Id’ turned off:

Registration file
registration{Customer Id}_brightwell{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

Net Payment file
payment{Customer Id}net-{Currency}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

Advance Payment file
payment{Customer Id}_advance-{Currency}_{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

Additional Payment file
payment{Customer Id}_additional-{Currency}_{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

If the option ‘Split Export Files By Entity Id’ turned on:

Registration file
registration{Customer Id}{EntityId}-_brightwell_{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

Net Payment file
payment{Customer Id}{EntityId}-net-{Currency}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

Advance Payment file
payment{Customer Id}{EntityId}_advance{Currency}_{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

Additional Payment file
payment{Customer Id}{EntityId}_additional{Currency}_{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt


From now payroll field Text(L38) will be fetched to the payment files in the Detail_Record_Type section.


The field 'Payment Type' moved to the main Setup window.



Fixed the situation, when Brightwell balance action was not changed to Cash for Advance and Additional entries, after persons exclusion from Brightwell interface.


Fixed problem with 'Tag All' button. Now it will select only the records with all required information.


Changes for whole consistency of the warning messages on all plugin`s tabs.



Changed the account no into ['E'|'U']+PIN instead of PIN + ['EUR'|'USD']


The system add the correct email notification address to enrollment and payment export.


To avoid misunderstanding, we renamed the column Payment Currency to Enrollment Currency in the following tabs: Candidates, Waiting for Cards, Members, and Exclusion.

In the payment tabs, net, advanced and additional, we added the column Enrollment Currency. From the payment tab, it is only possible to export a person whose payment currency equals the enrollment currency. The system highlight ignored payments. To get the payments through, the user needs to change the payment currency in the payroll and recalculate or enrol the person in the correct currency program.



Added new column 'Vessel':

  • On the Candidates, Waiting for Card, Members and Exclusion tabs it is fetching vessel from the activity;

  • On the Net, Advance and Additional Payment tabs it is fetching DIM2 from the entries.


Added right-click menu for the grids.

Some standard functionalities, like ‘Export grid’ to different file formats(HTML, XML, Excel, Text), Alignment, ‘Print grid’ and others, can be found in this menu.

Menu is accessible using right-click on the columns headers.


Added new option 'Exclude Net Payments'.

When the option is turned on:

  • Net payment tab will be hidden;

  • Person`s balance action will not be changed to Brightwell while enrollment;

Advanced and Additional payments missing bank account

Because the payment tab balance action is different from the Brightwell balance action, the user is missing the possibility to copy the details from the payment tab when adding an advanced or additional entry.

We will advise the customer to link the entry code to a Common Payment Receiver. The common payment receiver should use the balance action, Brightwell.
When calculating these payroll entries, the user should not have to enter the bank account. But the plug-in will use the debit_accountno as this is the same as the Brightwell bank account.

titleExample Customer Configuration

When using the entry code, the balance action is prefilled.

As you can see, the bank account is not displayed and does not exist on the Entry Code.


Added new column 'Payscale Currency'.

New column available on the Payment tabs and fetch the currency from the Payscale table used on the entries in Payroll.

Records with different Payscale, Payment and Enrollment Currencies will be marked red and warning message will prevent processing such payments.



Adjustments to increase Brightwell plugin performance.


Added possibility to select field to fetch Comment from.



Location fie ld enhancements:

  • Added the possibility to select Interface code in Setup. Selected Interface code will be used to find XREF codes on the Vessels. These Xref codes will be fetched to persons as locations;

  • Usual Location field from Setup will be used for persons, who are linked to the Vessels without defined Xref codes;

  • Added the possibility to create locations list in the Setup;

  • Added functionality to overwrite location codes using the values from the locations list;

  • Added possibility to reset overwritten locations;

  • The system will remember overwritten locations for each enrollment currency. Means the same person can have different locations for USD and EUR;

  • Added Location column to Candidates, Waiting For Cards, Members and Exclusion tabs;

  • The same locations, as shown in the grid, will be fetched to enrollment files;


Registration grids modifications:

  • Department column has been added to Candidates, Waiting for Cards, Members, Exclusion tabs;

  • Activity Text column has been added to Candidates, Waiting for Cards, Members, Exclusion tabs;

  • Sign Off column will fetch Estimated End Date from activity, when Date To is empty;

Payment grids modifications:

  • Account Dim 3 column has been added to Net Payment, Advance Payment and Additional Payment tabs. It can be used to fetch department from the Entries.


APMPI-834 - Added the functionality to link a Product Group Alias to a payment currency (USD, EUR). Implemented separate tab that give possibility to define Product Group Alias for inputted currency code on Setup form.

APMPI-880 - Fixed issues with date columns filtering

APMPI-881 - 1) Bank Account No. is taken from P0Y.DEBIT_CARD_ACCOUNTNO. If its empty then Bank Account No. is taken from PAI.ACCOUNTNO

2) Fixed “Name” column to show correct data,



  • Moved Card Stock Override Code from Setup to Plugin`s ribbon;

  • Fixed problem with fetching Card Stock Override Code to Enrollment files;


Fixed situation when persons without SSN, but with Passport, were marked as unavailable.


APMPI-738 - Added the possibility to allow/deny access for different tabs in Brightwell. It can be done from plugin`s Setup.

  • 'None' access means that tab will be hidden for corresponding level;

  • 'Read' access means that a user with corresponding level can open the tab and check information there, but cannot change anything or process any files;

  • 'Write' access means that a user with corresponding level will have full access to the tab;

  • By default access rights for all security levels are ‘None’, except the level 99;

  • For ‘Setup’ button, access can be granted or denied;

APMPI-846 - USD/EUR enrollment replaced with enrollment based on Payscale currency.

When a user clicks Enroll, the system will automatically enroll all selected crew members with the corresponding currency.

APMPI-836 - Added new field ‘Response Preference' in Setup with possibility to select 'Email', 'Echo', 'Both', 'None’ values:

Selected value will be fetched to export files to the field RESPONSE_PREFERENCE under the FILE_HEADER_RECORD_TYPE section.


APMPI-905 - Fixed the issue, when filtered out persons can be tagged while using Tag All.

APMPI-906 - Fixed the issue, when the export confirmation pop up window doesn’t appear.

APMPI-890 - Added the possibility to define separate Payment Types for Net, Advance and Additional payments.

APMPI-902 - Included Zip codes fetching to the plugin`s grid and enrollment files for non-USA employees.

The validation stays the same - ZIP only mandatory for the USA residents.

APMPI-904 - Excluded persons are no longer shown on the Candidates and Members tabs. Only on the Esclusion tab

APMPI-911 - Adjusted notification message for the persons without access to Brightwell.


Enroll Brightwell Form appears.
There are 5 tabs: Candidates, Waiting for Card, Members, Exclusion, Payment.

Candidates list all crew fitting to participate in the Brightwell program:

  • Employed state;

  • With current sea-service activity which linked to Opened Client org.unit or its sub-units and Start Date of activity = before or on the selected (on the form) Date;

  • Not a member of e.g. Ocean Pay or Citibank Direct Deposit programs.

    By default, today's Date is defined.

    The red background indicates that you missed filling some mandatory fields for this person. Just click this record and the system will point you missed fields.
    You have the option to Enroll the selected crew in USD or EUR.
    This is for candidates' registration (a special text. file with all details will be generated).

    • The person will be moved to Waiting For Card page.

      You can also Exclude a candidate from the Brightwell program.

    • Will be moved to Excluded page.

      You can Print the list if needed.

      Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.

Waiting for Card page lists all crew that is registered but have not received their card yet:


You can Print the list if needed. 

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.

Members page lists all current members of the program (which were registered and got cards):


You can Print the list if needed. 

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.

The exclusion page lists all crew that is not yet included in the program or was dismissed:


You can Print the list if needed. 

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.

The payment page lists persons which are ready for exporting to Brightwell for payments:


You will have also the possibility to lock the period of the persons who have already been exported.

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.

The Brightwell Navigator is a payments interface that simplifies your payroll distribution and gives your employees better control over their pay.
This document contains everything you will need to create batch files to register and pay your employees.
To be able to pay employees via the Brightwell program the employee will receive a debit card on which the payments are stored.
To receive a debit card the employee needs to be enrolled/registered in the Brightwell program.


  1. Click the Setup button to perform the required setup for data exporting:

    Please define:
    1) Email Notification Address - should include at least one email address to receive file processing results (can be multiple addresses, separated by comma);
    2) Customer ID (mandatory, provided by Brightwell);
    3) Interface Entity ID (mandatory, provided by Brightwell);
    4) Product Group Alias (mandatory, provided by Brightwell);
    5) Card Stock Override Code (optional, provided by Brightwell).

  2. Browse the path on your PC where export files (registration/payment) will be saved.

  3. Each employee who will be paid through Navigator must first be registered.
    Tag needed person(s) who you want to be enrolled into the Brightwell program.

  4. Click Enroll command for the selected crew. Click USD or EUR (depends on person's payment currency).
    You will see two dialog boxes:

    Export completion:

    As a result, special text. the file will be generated and saved to your specified location.
    The file format allows you to send Brightwell the information needed to prepare each employee for Navigator enrolment.

    For technical documentation for an enrolment file sent to Brightwell please see Reference > Brightwell Enrollment File Specification.

    File Name Format
    registration{custID}{optional client-defined data}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

    Example: registration123_brightwell_02092018165738.txt
    {custID} will be assigned to you by Brightwell Payments.
    {optional client-defined data} should be enclosed by "_". 

    Record Layout
    Please note that even though the specification below displays multiple lines per record, the file must be delivered with all data for a record type on one line.

    Example File:
    01|pr 3.0.1|brighwell|Email
    12345678901|EMPLOYEE@COMPANY.COM|LOCATION|12334121|USA|||ProductGroupAlias|Card stock Override code

    For each enrolment file that was sent, a response file will be received from Brightwell.
    Each Record Type will be indicated as either ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’ (followed by a list of error codes, if any). See Reference > Brightwell Error Codes Table.
    The person will be moved to Waiting For Card page.

  5. You can also Exclude some persons from the Brightwell program.
    They'll be moved to Excluded page.


Once the person has received the card, you can tag him and click Card Received to move the person to the Members list.
If click Reset: a person will be moved to the Candidates page back.
You can Print the list if needed.

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.


Will be moved to the Exclusion page.

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.


Will be moved to the Candidates page.

Help switches you to the Brightwell user manual.


Please note, the Standard Crew List view should be opened.


Payment procedure in Brightwell Interface is only available for a user who has access to Group Payment under Reports >Payroll Current Period Reports > Field 36 in ACC.

So, users without access to create a Payment list have no access to the Payment tab.


  1. To Export data, only tagged persons on the grid will be included.
    Note, when the data is to be refreshed on the grid, all persons are tagged, you can adjust it as you want with Untagged individual.

    Click the Export button.

  2. Warning
    If you confirm exporting, entry code 994 will be automatically locked.

  3. Payment Brightwell file is generated. 

    The export file will be located in the specified Export directory.
    File Name Format - payment{custID}{optional client-defined data}{MMDDYYYYhhmmss}.txt

    {custID} will be assigned to you by Brightwell Payments.
    {optional client-defined data} should be enclosed by "". (e.g.: _main office

    Our example:

    File Name depends on payment currency. 
    For technical documentation for the payment file, please see Reference > Brightwell Payment File Specification.

  4. You will have also the possibility to lock the period of the persons who have already been exported.

  5. You will see a confirmation message that the payment export was completed.

  6. You can perform a setup for payment by defining Payment type.


or your FTP area to download the latest patch with the name like APM_Plugin_BWNavigator_2018.X.X.X


Please close the APM application before plugin installation.


The process is the same as with Brightwell Interface Plugin installation.

ACC Access Rights

Enabling Brightwell Interface

After a plugin is installed, it appears available for setting up access in Adonis Control Centre > Plugins:

You can enable/disable access per user level/group.
If you have several sites, a plugin needs to be installed and enabled on each one.

Granting Rights for Payment

Payment procedure in Brightwell Interface is only available for the user(s) who has access for Group Payment under Reports > Payroll Current Period Reports > Field 36 in ACC:

Users without access to create a Payment list have no access to the Payment tab in Brightwell.


Follow the link to see Brightwell Navigator, Standard File Formats manual:
