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From 2023 the Government has decided that persons with Salary above NOK 750 000 should pay additional Employers fee and report it separately in A-Melding.


Knowledge Base Article


Norwegian Payroll

This article describes how to perform the setup for correct calculation and reporting of Extra Arbeidsgivaravgift from Adonis (what information should be provided concerning the Employer’s national insurance contributions in the A-Melding).


From 2023 the Government has decided that persons with Salary above NOK 750 000 should pay additional Employers fee and report it separately in A-Melding.


Table of Contents


Step 1: New Accumulator

  1. Please add a new permanent accumulator to your system via Entry Code Maintenance -> Accumulators tab:

  2. On each Entry Code, which is set to calculate/report AGA in your system, please specify the amount that will be included into the new permanent accumulator via Entry Code Maintenance -> Accumulators sub-tab, for example:

  3. When above is completed, please rebuild a new accumulator for year 2023 to collect the basis from all transactions used to calculate Arbeidsgivaravgift:

    ✔️ Go to Setup -> Maintenance -> Payroll Procedures -> Rebuild Accumulators (No calculation):

    ✔️ Select the correct options:

    Crew list selection -> entire crew selection (prior make sure there are no filters applied in the crew list view);

    Year -> 2023;

    Period From -> starting period of rebuilding the accumulator - 202301;

    Period To -> should be your current Payroll period;

    "Insert new record if no record found in period" -> enable this option because there is no record of accumulator yet for the needed periods;
    Click OK:

    ✔️ In the next screen please select newly created Accumulator that you need to perform rebuild for and click on Close button:

✔️ Refresh the system and check Accumulator History to see the changes.

Step 2: New Global Rates

Please define Extra AGA Limit amount and Extra AGA rate.

  1. Go to Setup -> Organization structure -> Top Level (Concern) -> Global Rates -> Find available rate numbers (in current example we use Rate No98 and Rate No99), and then click Save:

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Step 3: New Entry Code

Extra AGA calculation will be handled on a separate Entry Code.

  1. Please create a new Entry Code via Payroll -> Entry Codes:

  2. Create New or Duplicate the existing Entry Code:

  3. On Calculation tab link the Entry Code to script with the same number as EC number:

  4. Add script lines as shown below (NB: if you are using different Global Rate numbers/Accumulator number - please replace with yours):

//Accumulator 79 - Gross wages for Extra AGA
//Global rate 98 - Extra AGA Limit
//Global rate 99 - Extra AGA rate

IF (W179<GB98) AND (W379>GB98) THEN
IF W179>=GB98 THEN

 IF L68<>0 THEN
//CALCULATION OF employer's fee (AGA) 

5. The new Entry Code has to be reported to EDAG with coding 003AExtraAga. This should be defined via Entry Code Maintenance -> EDAG sub-tab:

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Step 4: Entry Code to be generated automatically

(warning) If you are the customer, who is using Activities as basis for Payroll, you should add the new EC to Activities and then to Payscales (if applicable).

✔️ To set auto-entry on activity level, please go to Setup -> General Codes Table -> Activity code;

Link new Entry code to the target Activity:

✔️ To set auto-entry on payscale level, please go to Payroll -> Payscales, select the new Entry Code and click OK:

(warning) If you are the customer, who is using Payroll not based on activities (manually), you should add the new EC on Company level.

✔️ Please go to Setup -> Organization structure -> Select the Organization/Organizations (to which you link the employees in personal details datagroup) -> Payroll General tab -> Add new Entry code to section ‘Auto Entries To Be Generated’ and click Save:

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In both scenarios new Entry Code for Extra AGA will only be calculated with amount, when the Accumulator is reaching the Limit which the system will find in the Global rates.

Step 3: A-Melding setup

  1. Go to Tool -> Export -> A-Melding:

2. Make sure via Setup button, that Extra AGA rate is defined correctly (5% should be fetched by default):


  • In current period an employee has reached the salary of NOK 750 000:

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  • The system identifies the difference between the amount of maximum limit - NOK 750000 and actual earned salary via the new Entry Code (that is generated, since the limit is reached):

775536.01 - 750000 = 25,536.01 - this is the basis for Extra AGA:

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  • As a result, Extra AGA amount is calculated based on the difference:

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  • Go to A-Melding plugin to check the Extra AGA amount which is going to be reported to Altinn:

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See also links to the related articles

Rebuild of Payroll Accumulators

How to create a new entry code using Duplicate

Entry Codes in Adonis