The view shows all the crew that are active/working this month and are supposed to receive payments that are generated according to the activity and contract.
Column | Description/ Location in APM |
PIN | The PIN from the Personal Details. |
numorgid | The emplyment organization ID from the Personal Details. |
employmentstratdate | The emplyment start date from the Personal Details. |
employmentenddate | The emplyment end date from the Personal Details. |
Payslip Status | The column shows in the payslip for the current payroll period hs been distributed to the enclosed of this person or not. The sql checks the stats based on the ecnlosed file name that should contain the current payroll period. |
Payment Period | The current payroll period of the person based on the persons organization in Personal Details. |
Period Start | The start date of the current payroll period of the person based on the persons organization in Personal Details. |
Period End | The end date of the current payroll period of the person based on the persons organization in Personal Details. |
Name | The Full Name from the Personal Details. |
Organization | The Employment Organization from the Personal Details. |
Rank | The Current Rank Name from the Personal Details. |
Rank Code | The Current Rank Code from the Personal Details. |
Nationality Code | The Nationality Code from the Personal Details. |
Activity | The payable activity of the person that belongs to the current payroll period. The system checks activity code and payscale settings for autogeneration. |
Activity Start | The start date of the selected activity. |
Activity End | The end date of the selected activity. |
Activity Estimated End | The estimated end date of the selected activity. |
Activity Days | The number of days of the selected activity within the current payroll period. |
Activity Vessel | The vessel of the selected activity. |
Activity Department | The department of the selected activity. |
Activity Position | The position of the selected activity. |
Contract Type | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Name | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Rank | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Start | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract End | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Payscale Table | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Payscale | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Payscale Table Name | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Contract Payscale Name | From the contract of the person that covers selected activity dates. |
Calculated By | The user name of the last person that calculated payroll of the selected crew member. |
Calculate Time | The last time the selected crew member was calculated in payroll. |
Payment Method | The Payment Action of the crew from the Payroll > Payment tab > New balance . |
Payment Currency | The Payment Currency of the crew from the Payroll > Payment tab > New balance. |
Distribute Payslip Option | The status of the E-mail Payslip Option from the Payroll > Payment tab > E-mail Payslip. |
The email from the Personal Details. | |
Issues | The column follows the following conditions:
All the above rules are checked together and listed through a comma if several are applicable. |