The Leave Days accumulator category option was added in General Codes > Leave Days Accumulators. The option is designed for grouping Leave Days Accumulators in the Leave Account form of the Activities datagroup.
Please note that the Leave Days Accumulator code can be linked to only one Leave Days accumulator category:
Family View
Family ViewClick to expand
The following implementations have been made:
Added fields into the General Codes → Family → Family View:
H374 Telex
H375 SatCom
H376 Fax
H377 WEB
H378 Work Mobile
H379 Secondary E-Mail
Implemented the functionality for displaying data for fields in the Family datagroup overview.
Employment Termination
Employment TerminationClick to expand
Applied the following improvements to the employment termination:
If the Terminate Date is in the future (i.e. greater than today's date), then:
all planned activities more than the Terminate Date are deleted
all activities less than the Terminate Date remain as is
Even if a user selects the Close Current Activity option, it remains active. But the message will say that it is located before the date of the Terminate Date, so it is not closed.
If the Terminate Date is in the past (i.e. less than today's date), then:
if there is a current activity less than the Terminate Date, then it is closed (historical is done) and Date End and Estimated End Date = Terminate Date (as now)
all planned activities are deleted - both those in the future and all that in the past
Email Reports
Email ReportsClick to expand
In APM, the sender name is fetched separately for different emails:
When sending general emails, the Sender Name is fetched from Global Options → General.
When sending payslips, the Sender Name is fetched from Global Options → Payroll -> E-mail reports:
Customized Crew List View
Customized Crew List ViewClick to expand
For a customized crew list view, it is possible to use the optional POSITON_NUMORGID field (defined and populated inside the View SQL) to check Can Open Client access rights for positions:
If the Ignore organization properties settings for crew list when selected client is a vessel option is turned OFF and Can Open Client (in ACC) is OFF, then the crew list view does not show crew members who have the position restricted for the APM user.
If the Ignore organization properties settings for crew list when selected client is a vessel option is option is tirned ON and Can Open Client (in ACC) is OFF, then the crew list view does not show crew members who have the position restricted for the APM user.
Sick Registrations Wizard
Extending Sick Period
Extending Sick PeriodClick to expand
Implemented the functionality for extending existing sick period. To extend the exisitng sick period, follow the steps below:
Navigate to Tools > Wizards > Sick Registrations Wizard. When the wizard appears, select the Expand existing Sick period option:
Select the new date when a person is back to work. Once done, click Next.
Note: Before extending a sick period, make sure a crew member has a sick activity defined in Sick Wizard setup.
Access Control
Personal Details Routine
Personal Details RoutineClick to expand
In ACC, the following enhancements have been applied:
Added P151 International First Name and P152 International Last Name fields to the Personal Details section of the Fields tab.
Implemented functionality for displaying P151 International First Name and P152 International Last Name fields in the Name Details Editor form.
Contracts Routine
Contracts RoutineClick to expand
In the Contracts datagroup, enhanced the functionality:
In ACC, added the 209 Open Enclosed new routine of Contracts datagroup.
Implemented the standard functionality for the View Enclosed and Attachment Properties buttons in the Contracts datagroup.
Rotation Planning
Gap Shift
Gap ShiftClick to expand
Creating a sick period in the middle of the shift results in the following changes in the Rotation Planning module:
The shift is adjusted as per the Activity length (from the Original shift start till Sick start date).
The created GAP shift matches the Sick onboard Activity length.
Competence Datagroup
Requirements Profile Check
Requirements Profile CheckClick to expand
The following enhancements have been applied in the Competence datagroup → Options:
Added Requirements Profile Check Options and Promotion Requirements Check Options.
Added Promotion Requirements Check Options menu item: