Column | Description/ Location in APM |
Full Name | Full name of the person in Perosonal Personal Details. |
First Name | First name of the person in Perosonal Personal Details. |
Last Name | Last name of the person in Perosonal DetailsPersonalDetails. |
Middle Name | Middle name of the person in Perosonal Personal Details. |
Organizaton | Current employment organization of the person in Perosonal Personal Details. |
Rank | Current Rank of the person in Perosonal Personal Details. |
Document Code | The code of the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Document Name | The name of the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Document Status | The status of the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Issue Date | The issue from of the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Expiry Date | The expert date of the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Issued by | The Issued By field of the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Comments | The comments added to the medical record linked to the selected crew. |
Scan Status | The status of the scanned document linked to the medical record linked for the selected crew. |
EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE | Personal Details > Employment > Employment Start Date |
EMPLOYMENTENDDATE | Personal Details > Employment > Employment End Date |
NUMORGID | Personal Details > Client > NUMORGID |
VESSEL_NUMORGID | Shows the vessels numorgid of the Embarked activity. |
Vessel Name | Shows the vessel name of the Embarked activity. |
Department | Shows the department name of the Embarked activity. |
Position | Shows the positon name of the Embarked activity. |
Nationality | Personal Details > Personal > Nationality |
Department/Cost Place Code | Personal Details > Personal > Payroll > Cost Place Code |
Department/Cost Place | Personal Details > Personal > Payroll > Cost Place |