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Knowledge Base Article


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First time setup

Set up in Altinn

The general manager with the correct permissions in Altinn needs to create a company user account in the Altinn profile. These credentials should be added into the DigiSyfo-plugin for communicating between Adonis and Altinn. The account will be allowed to send and fetch data from Altinn on security level 3.


You then have to register Adonis as a data system to communicate with Altinn


When we added Adonis to our test system, it got assigned an ID-number. We need to use this number when setting up the plugin.


Set up in DigiSyfo plugin

To open the DigiSyfo-plugin, open APM and click Tools → Export → DigiSyfo.


You will then be met with this screen:


Since this is the first time setup, your “user” field will be empty. We will first need to create a user for the plugin. Click the “open editor”-button as indicated in the image above.


When in the editor, click “add reporter” and fill in the fields.

  • Reporter description is the name of the reporter. You can call this whatever you like.

  • Organization no. is the org. nr. of the company.

  • Person ID is the username you created for the Altinn user. In our case, navAdonis21.

  • System ID is the ID-number we got assigned when adding the system to Altinn. In our case this is 16805.

  • Authentication type - here you get to pick how you would like to authenticate yourself for Altinn. We choose SMSpin, and get a text message on the phone number associated with the Altinn user.

  • Altinn System Password is the password you created for the data system.

  • Altinn User Password is the password you created for the Altinn user.

Click save. You have now added a user into the DigiSyfo-plugin.


If you are done testing the plugin and would like to view live data, you need to toggle on the “working with Altinn production”-option in setup.

You should now be ready to use the DigiSyfo-plugin.

How to use the DigiSyfo-plugin


When in the DigiSyfo-plugin you have 4 possible “actions”.

Sick Notes

This allows you to import and view sick notes from Altinn.
To access the sick notes you first need to authenticate yourself. Click “authentication”, and it will send an sms to the phone number stated in Altinn. Enter this number into the field and click done. You can now “import from Altinn” and view the sick notes (as seen in the image below).
Clicking “Refresh” will load the sick notes from the database tables.


Nearest Leader

NAV will add the “request of nearest leader’s information (oppgi leder)” in the Altinn inbox. This is a request for the manager of the person with the sick note’s information, and can be imported into APM.
These requests are displayed in the grid below. The line with red text color means the request has been already replied to (Status Name=”Sendt og arkivert” ).


The others (Status Name=”Utfylling”) means NAV is waiting for a reply. You can click the “Edit Detail/Send Reply”-button to work with it further.


You can send a reply with the nearest leader’s information by either:

  1. Filling in the information manually

  2. Clicking the “velg from register”-button. This will enable a dropdown-menu where you can select managers/nearest leader from the “nearest leader register”.

When all the information is filled in and you are ready to send a reply to NAV, you can click the “Send reply”-button.

Nearest Leader Register

Here you can add managers/nearest leaders to the register for future use. To do this, click “Add leader”, and fill in the necessary information.



This button allows you to toggle between working with Altinn PROD and TEST.

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See also

Links to the related articles.