"System.Customer.UserImportFilePath" -- Mandatory attribute for thread. Used to specify the path that will be used by the User Importer Background Thread when searching for a file.
"System.Customer.UserImportEncryptionPassword" -- Mandatory attribute for thread. The password needed to decrypt the zip file for processing by the User Importer. (zip files need to be encrypted with a password due to PII)"System.Customer.UserImportBatchSize" – Mandatory attribute. This is represented as an integer, and represents the number of users/rows to process in a batch run. This is included for performance reasons.
Example of a configured org:
Example CSV:
Default CSV Format:
Example of a configured org using custom integration:
Example of a configured org csv (CUK)
The new user importer can be manually used via the "Client tool" command line. Similar to the "User Upload", except that it is able to handle csv files with varying column order as configured in the org attributes. If no order is specified (as per above) default order is assumed.
Usage: importUsers [org path] [file path] [update: true/false] [reactivate: true/false]
Example usage:
ImportUsersWithDynamicMapping ImportUsers /Root/Moran "c:\test\testPipenewusers.csv" true true