"System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat" - Optional attribute. A string that can be used to configure an Org's initial password. Accepts all AlphaNumeric characters, special symbols and Profile index keys (e.g. LastName). Can NOT use char '+' as that is used to parse the field. Additionally, you can specify casing by making the key to be used all caps or lowercase. If the Key not in all caps or lowercase, it will capitalize the first letter. Example Values: "LastName+123!" or "123+firstname+!!!+LASTNAME+321". NOTE: As of 3.6.2 3 The CarnivalUserImporter now supports "DateOfBirth" in this field (value).
See System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided for detailed behaviour in combination with other configuration options.
"System.Customer.UserImportClassName" - Optional attribute. This is the name of the class that inherits from the default UserImporter class. (e..g "CUKUserImporter" (uses DateOfBirth) or "CarnivalUserImporter" => CUKUserImporter.cs : CarnivalUserImporter.cs : UserImporter.cs) NOTE: As of 3.6.2 3 The CUKUserImporter no longer exists. The CarnivalUserImporter has consolidated all the code and now supports DateOfBirth in passwords.
protected override void FinishUser(ICoreUnitofWork uow, IUser user, string[] csvRow)
base.FinishUser(uow, user, csvRow);..... //custom code
Example of a configured org using custom integration: NOTE: As of 3.6.
3 The CUKUserImporter class no longer exists. The CarnivalUserImporter has consolidated all the code and now supports DateOfBirth in passwords.
Example of a configured org csv (CUK)