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Description: Lesson location as string.

GetSCOSuspendData (coursePath, SCOId, studentId)


Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
            SCOId -> identificator
            studentId -> student Guid
Returns: Get the store SCO Entry data

Description:  Gets the saved state of the SCO session, so the user can continue where they left off.

GetSCOComments (coursePath, SCOId, studentId)


Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
            SCOId -> identificator
            studentId -> student Guid
Returns: The  the comments for from the SCO courseData (cmi.comments - r/w data from user)

Description: The comments for the course


Inputs: arguments - properties that should be returned (if no args define then return entire user)
Returns: current user props (format: prop1, prop2, prop3, ...)
