Inputs: storeName - storage name
shortId - server side shortId that contains information about id and 'n' variable
Returns: undefined
Description: Stores id / 'n' combinations for preventing too many server requests. There can be multiple storages (objectives, interactions).
Error Codes
No error (0) No error occurred, the previous API call was successful.
General Exception (101) No specific error code exists to describe the error. Use LMSGetDiagnostic for more information.
Invalid argument error (201) Indicates that an argument represents an invalid data model element or is otherwise incorrect.
Element cannot have children (202) Indicates that LMSGetValue was called with a data model element name that ends in “_children” for a data model element that does not support the “_children” suffix.
Element not an array. Cannot have count. (203) Indicates that LMSGetValue was called with a data model element name that ends in “_count” for a data model element that does not support the “_count” suffix.
Not initialized (301) Indicates that an API call was made before the call to LMSInitialize.
Not implemented error (401) The data model element indicated in a call to LMSGetValue or LMSSetValue is valid, but was not implemented by this LMS. SCORM 1.2 defines a set of data model elements as being optional for an LMS to implement.
Invalid set value, element is a keyword (402) Indicates that LMSSetValue was called on a data model element that represents a keyword (elements that end in “_children” and “_count”).
Element is read only. (403) LMSSetValue was called with a data model element that can only be read.
Element is write only (404) LMSGetValue was called on a data model element that can only be written to.
Incorrect Data Type (405) LMSSetValue was called with a value that is not consistent with the data format of the supplied data model element.