Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Copy and Power Rename


  • Find Replace & with “and”

  • Replace HtmlContent parameter with <HtmlContent><![CDATA[<script src="/Smp/Cnt/Root/CUK/-File/js/pdr-collapse.js"></script>]]></HtmlContent> NOTE: the OrgPath needs to be set depending on which brand you are importing too

  • Rename files to match importExam commands


  1. Download a new matrix from the PDR page that you built (e.g. 3ETO)

  2. Reorder/Alphabetize the columns (v4.7, will be done automatically). I like to put the Assessments in a first section and then the Verifications in a 2nd section

  3. You will need to copy the PDR2 Assessment column and replicate it the same number of times as Vessel Classes (So, in this example, there are 7 Vessel classes, so you need 7 PDR 2 Assessment columns - 1 PDR2 Assessment rule for each class).

  4. Fill out the Ranks and Vessels as per Client specifications

  5. Fill out the top part:

    1. PDR3 and PDR2 ReRegistration; PDR 1 OneTime

    2. PDR3 = 30d; PDR2 180d

    3. Certificates: PDR3 = 2Y; PDR2 = 5Y

    4. ASSESSMENTS: Use MostRecentRegistrationCompletedFor with the Path of the Verification from the Previous Level

    5. VERIFICATIONS: Use CompletedForSinceCurrentCompletion with the Path of the Assessment from the Same Level
