"System.Customer.UserImportBackupFilePath" – Mandatory attribute for thread. This is the folder that files are backed up in. Files in the ImportFilePath folder are deleted after they are process. The Back up folder is cleaned out files of a certain age (configured in the app.settings) by the UserImporter thread.
"System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotification" - Mandatory attribute for thread. This is the email address(es) that the User Import reports successes and failures to. Comma (',') delimited.
"System.Customer.UserImportBatchSize" – Mandatory attribute. This is represented as an integer, and represents the number of users/rows to process in a batch run. This is included for performance reasons."System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotification" - Mandatory attribute. This is the email address(es) that the User Import reports successes and failures to. Comma (',') delimited.
"System.Customer.UserImportUsePasswordOnCreate" - Optional attribute. A boolean to configure if the password column in the CSV should be used. (New Users only). True will use the password field as initial password, false, will use the default behaviour (GUID password).