Versions Compared


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The Offering Rule Matrix is usually extracted with the Core client command GetOfferingRuleMatrix before any changes are made to the existing rules. This ensures an accurate picture of what is in the system before any change is made. The section Offering Rule Matrix and Offering Rule Generator#Customer Customer Specific Processes below describes any customer specific requirements.


All OPFs and OPF values which are being used in rules are automatically included in the matrix. That means if an OPF 'Rank' contains values Captain, Engineer and Deckhand and the rules only use Captain, only Captain is included in the matrix.Note: switch

Switch parameters can be placed in any order - they are identified by the parameter name like '-includeAllOpfValues'


mandatory: orgPath

The organization path to extract the offering rules from


By default we only export transposed Offering Rule Matrices (IsTransposed=true). That is, csv rows for OPF values and columns for courses. Use false to get the old Offering Rule Matrix formatNote:

The parameter IsTransposed is mandatory if parameter CsvOutputPath is used


(the order of parameters is important)

optional: CsvOutputPath

The Offering Rule Matrix output will be written directly into a file on the hosting server. The Offering Rule Matrix is also output to the client command window.Note: the

The parameter IsTransposed


is mandatory if


parameter CsvOutputPath is used (the order of parameters is important)

optional switch parameter: -includeAllOpfValues


Code Block
Instructor -f "D:\CMG\cmgtestInstructorRulesTest.csv" -o "D:\CMG\CmgTestInstructorRule_Commands.txt" -p /Root/Carnival/CMG -v

The code for the Offering Rule Generator can be found in Git PS repository MarineLS\RegistrationRuleGenerator

Customer Specific Processes (deprecated?)
