Core.UserImporterInterval - (in min) set the interval to run the automatic user importer thread. Default: 15 min. Only used if AUTO-USER-IMPORT is enabled.
NavPage Attributes
There are new attributes used to configure the User Importer for an organization:
"System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotificationContacts" - Mandatory attribute to enable AUTO-USER-IMPORT thread. This is the email address(es) that the User Import reports successes and failures to. Comma Separate multiple email addresses with comma (',') delimited.
"System.Customer.UserImportBatchSize" – Mandatory attribute. This is represented as an integer, and represents the number of users/rows to process in a batch run. This is included for performance reasons.
Example of a configured org csv (CUK)
Background Thread (Automatic User Importing)
Auto User Importer (via background thread)
To enable auto user import the following 3 NavPage attributes must be configured:
- System.Customer.UserImportFilePath
- System.Customer.UserImportBackupFilePath
- System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotificationContacts
App.config Core.UserImporterInterval specifies how often the user importer checks for new files in System.Customer.UserImportFilePath. Default value is 15min.
Once an org has been configured, all that is left if for the customer/client to drop their password encrypted zip file or straight up CSV file into the directory set in the attribute System.Customer.UserImportFilePath (see above for details).
Client Steps:1)
- Place
- zip file or
- CSV file in the directory that was configured by the attribute: System.Customer.UserImportFilePath.
- Done!
The background thread will check if there is a file in that directory. Then the following will occur Any file found will be processed as follows:1)
- If it is a zip file, it is extracted.
- The
- CSV file is processed (users are imported)
- The zip/
- CSV file is moved to the configured directory (set by the attribute: System.Customer.UserImportBackupFilePath)
- for historical purposes.
- An email is
- sent reporting success/warnings/errors to
- email addresses configured by the attribute: System.Customer.UserImportEmailNotification.
- The backed up zip/csv file from (3) is deleted after 7 days, unless configured otherwise in the App.Config.
Manual User Importer
The new user importer can be manually used via the "Client tool" command line. Similar to the "User Upload", except that it is able to handle csv files with varying column order as configured in the org attributes. If Core client command importUsers or pages/dev Upload User tab. If no order is specified (as per above) default order is assumed.
Usage: importUsers [org path] [file path] [update: true/false] [reactivate: true/false]
Example usage:
ImportUsers importUsers /Root/Moran "c:\test\newusers.csv" true true