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This excel Excel template with macros will create the XML for question import.


It allows up to 6 question choices and allows you specific question properties as follows:


NOTE - the converter requires all 6 answer columns to be present. If question has less than 6 answer choices just leave the other columns blank

Correct Answer

Allow Multiple Choices

Require All Correct Choices


Notes allowed

Specify which answers are correct by the letter of the column separated by commas e.g. A,B,C



Specify tagset/tag. Multiple tags can be separated by comma e.g. Route/R1, Vessel/V1

Tagsets and tags must exist on LMS for successful import


The file uses Macros and so Excel may warn you about the security of the file. You may need to unblock the file by right-clicking the file in File Exporer and going to Properties. Check “Unblock” as per screenshot below.


To run the Macro you will need to enable Developer bar in Excel,select%20the%20Developer%20check%20box.


View file
nameQuestion Upload Template v4.xlsx


NOTE - the converter requires all 6 answer columns to be present. If question has less than 6 answer choices just leave the other columns blank