Versions Compared


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IIS Setup

  1. In Visual Studio:

    1. Project(s): MarineLMSExtensions.Web.BCF.AgendaBuilder && MarineLMSExtensions.Web.BCF.CompetenceSurfer  &&  MarineLMSExtensions.Web.BCF.CompetenceSurfer

    2. Click Properties: 'Web' → 'Servers' section

      1. Select Local IIS

      2. Set each Project Url to http://localhost/MarineLMS.Web.Main.Trunk/Ext/BCFAgendaBuilder && http://localhost/MarineLMS.Web.Main.Trunk/Ext/BCFCompetenceSurfer && http://localhost/MarineLMS.Web.Main.Trunk/Ext/BCFPassagePlanner  respectively.

      3. Click "Create Virtual Directory"

      4. Also ensure that MarineLMSExtensions.Web.Main project is using IIS and have a virtual directory that matches the App pool (e.g. /MarineLMS.Web.Main/ext) 

  2. Open the IIS Manager (Windows program):

    1. Right-click on 'Application Pools' → 'Add Application Pool...'

    2. Enter "TrunkBCFAppPool" in Name, then click OK.

  3. While still In the IIS Manager (NOTE: this step is needed for all three respective projects - 3x):

    1. Click on 'Default Web Site' → 'View Applications' (under Actions on the right panel)

    2. Under the 'Virtual Path' column, right-mouse click on ["/MarineLMS.Web.Main.Trunk/Ext/BCFAgendaBuilder"] and in the context menu, click on 'Basic Settings...'

      1. NOTE: If the extension project is not listed in 'Applications', click on 'Add Application' on the right

      2.  Add the Alias (i.e. "BCFAgendaBuilder", "BCFPassagePlanner, or "BCFCompetencySurfer")

      3. Click Select and choose the BCF App Pool created in (2)

      4. Give it the Physical Path to the project (e.g.  [XXX\src\MarineLMSExtensions.Web.BCF.PassagePlanner])

    3. In the "Edit Application" dialog box, change the Application pool to "TrunkBCFAppPool"

    4. Click OK to save your change

  4. While still In the IIS Manager (NOTE: this step is needed for all three respective projects - 3x)

    1. Expand 'Sites' in the left "Connections" panel, then expand 'Default Web Site'

    2. Expand [MarineLMS.Web.Main.trunk], then expand 'Ext'

    3. Single left click on ['BCFAgendaBuilder'], then in ASP.NET panel in the middle double-click on ".NET Trust Levels"

      1. Set the Trust level to "Full (internal)"

      2. NOTE: If the ['BCFAgendaBuilder'] does not appear in the 'Ext' folder, right click 'Ext' and Click 'Add Application'.  Then enter the alias [BCFAgendaBuilder] and the physical path to the projcet (e.g. [C:\coredev\src\MarineLMSExtensions.Web.BCF.AgendaBuilder]).  Also select the app pool created in (2).

Generel Web config

Ensure the following entries are in the Web.config (Applies to all three projects respectively):

Code Block
<appSettings file="Web.User.config">
  <add key="Core.RequestContext" value="web"/>
  <add key="Network.NotificationServiceAdminEndPoint" value="net.tcp://localhost:8001/Services/NotificationService"/>
  <add key="Network.UserServiceSecureEndPoint" value="net.tcp://localhost:8000/Services/UserService"/>
  <add key="Network.UserServiceAdminEndPoint" value="net.tcp://localhost:8001/Services/UserService"/>
  <add key="Core.MaxReceivedMessageSize" value="2147483647"/>
  <!--Retrieved the Timezone from -->
  <add key="Ext.ExtensionsServiceName" value="MarineLMS Extensions Service(CoreDev)"/>
  <add key="Core.CoreServiceName" value="MarineLMS Core Service(CoreDev)"/>