OneTime: one time registration - doesn't re-register as soon as a completed registration exists (uses predicate HasNoRegistrations())
ReRegistration: re-registers users if there is no active registration available and all predates predicates return true. Usually this is used in combination with a certificate with expiry (row ‘Re-Registration Before Certificate Expiry’) or any prerequisite predicates like CompletedForSinceCurrentCompletion(coursePath). Uses predicate !HasActiveRegistrations().
OnlyWithCompletedRegistration: registers and re-registers users who have already at least one completed registration. Uses predicates HasCompletedRegistrations() and !HasActiveRegistrations()
Deactivated: a course which was in use before but has been discontinued. This creates a delete registration Offering Rule command for that course (auto-rules only)
No value (empty cell): no rules or delete commands are generated. Columns with no Registration Type value can be used to prepare courses for the future