Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Sample Configuration:

Code Block
  "DataValidationConfiguration": {
 	   "IdentifierFields": [
	"CriticalFields": [
	"RegularFields": [
	"PasswordFields": [
	"FieldFormattings": [
			"FieldName": "LastName",
        "Name": "OrgLoginId",
        "Type": "String"
    "CriticalFields": [
        "Name": "Vessel",
        "Type": "String"
        "Name": "VesselFirstName",
			        "Type": "String"
        "Name": "RankLastName",
        "Type": "String"
			"FieldName     },
        "Name": "OrgLoginIdRank",
        "Type": "String"
			"FieldName": "FirstName",
    "RegularFields": [
        "Name": "StringEmailAddress",
        "Type": "Xn*EmailAddress"
        "Name": "DateOfBirthDeptCode",
        "Type": "DateTime",
			"Format": "dd-MM-yyyy"
			"FieldName": "ContactEmail",
    "PasswordFields": [
        "Name": "Password",
        "Type": "EmailAddress"

This activity validates all parsed user objects according to configuration and LMS specification (i.e. single choice field must have the proper value).


  • IdentifierFields used to uniquely identify a user (i.e. OrgLoginId, login email address). Currently it supports one identifier field.

  • Critical field which needs data validation and would stop processing the whole user if it contained invalid data (skip user). Continue with any other users though.

  • Regular fields would not stop a user from being processed. If a regular field contained invalid data, the field would not be updated/set. The remaining user fields would be updated if their data was OK. Any not processed regular field should be reported on.

  • Password fields used for password creation only.

Every field added in any of these field types must present in field formatting sectionsmust have a Name and Type.

Password Configuration

Sample Configuration:
