"System.Customer.UserImportProfileTranslations" – Optional attribute. Stores the mapping for user Profile Indexes to be used by the user importer. If this is not set, assume default names for DB keys (see below for defaults key names). The key/value pairs need to adhere to strict naming (Attribute keys are string constants, if they don't match, importer will fail). For example: First and Last Name cannot be in the same column. All keys must follow db table column names. The order does not matter, as the indexing is built dynamically.
"System.Customer.UserImporterRankOrgProfileFieldName" - Mandatory attribute for RankBasedValuesByRank.json Stores the name of the "Rank" OrgProfile field for the org (E.g. "Rank" for Carnival, "Job Description" for BCF).
"System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank" - Mandatory attribute for RankBasedValuesByRank.json This is a JSON value which maps ranks to sets of profile field values for those ranks (previously was Customer.CUK.RankBasedValuesByRank)
- see 2016.07.07 - RankBasedValuesByRank.json for an example
- Upload the specific JSON file via "File Upload" tool on /pages/dev for mapping purpose, and the location of the upload file will be in directory \CoreWebTemporaryUpload\
- To update (or create) these values in a live system you will need access to the live server as well as a super admin for that page. Once you have that, from the Client tool on /pages/dev usage is:
CreateOrUpdateNavPageAttributeFromFile "/Root/Carnival/CCL/-File/templates/HomePage.cshtml" System.Customer.UserImporterRankBasedValuesByRank CarnivalRanks.json- The JSON file will be exported or imported from D:\MarineLMS\Carnival\CoreWebTemporaryUpload\
Customer Specific Attributes