"System.Customer.UserImportCsvDelimiter" – Optional attribute. Used to override the default CSV delimiter (',') with another char. (e.g. '|' for CCL. String used as Regex). Because attributes are stored as a string, only put the character itself in the Value, not the single quotes.
"System.Customer.UserImportOrgProfileIndexes" – Optional attribute. Stores the mapping for user OrgProfile Indexes to be used by the user importer. If not set, assumes default values. Default first index for OrgProfileFields, start at [11] (e.g. key[11]: EmployeeID, value[12]: 1234; key[13]: Vessel, value[14]: Boaty McBoatFace; etc...). Value is the index for that field (zero indexed). (e.g. EmployeeID=12,Employee Status=14,Division=16,Vessel=18,Role=20)