Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • OneTime: one time registration - doesn't re-register as soon as a completed registration exists (uses predicate HasNoRegistrations())

  • ReRegistration: re-registers users if there is no active registration available and all predates return true. Usually this is used in combination with a certificate with expiry (row ‘Re-Registration Before Certificate Expiry’) or any prerequisite predicates like CompletedForSinceCurrentCompletion(coursePath). Uses predicate !HasActiveRegistrations().

  • OnlyWithCompletedRegistration: registers and re-registers users who have already at least one completed registration. Uses predicates HasCompletedRegistrations() and !HasActiveRegistrations()

  • Deactivated: a course which was in use before but has been discontinued. This creates a delete registration Offering Rule command for that course (auto-rules only)

  • No value (empty cell): no rules or delete commands are generated. Columns with no Registration Type value can be used to prepare courses for the future

De-Registration (row 4)

Set an x' into a course column to add de-registration rules. An active registration would be removed as soon as the registration rule requirements won’t apply anymore (i.e. due to a vessel change).


Only used if a certificate is used for the rule. Determines the period of time a user should be re-registered before their certificate expires. If left empty the user is re-registered on the day their certificate expires. 
Value format is duration in days, months or years (i.e. 1d, 2m or 3y 1d2m or 3y).

Re-Registration Certificate Short Id (row 6)

The LMS certificate short Id which is awarded for completing the course. The certificate is used to determine the re-registration date according to the certificate’s validity duration. Only makes sense if available for registration types ReRegistration and OnlyWithCompletedRegistration.

Course-Prerequisite (latest registration is completed) MostRecentRegistrationCompletedFor (row 7)

A course path which is prerequisite for the current course, using the predicate MostRecentRegistrationCompletedFor(coursePath). Full course path.
If multiple courses are prerequisite, separate the course paths with '|'

NoteNotes: '

  • !


  • can be used for any course path to negate the requirement.

Course-Prerequisite (completed after current completion) CompletedForSinceCurrentCompletion (row 8)

A course path which is prerequisite for the current course, using the predicate CompletedForSinceCurrentCompletion(coursePath). Full course path.
If multiple courses are prerequisite, separate the course paths with '|'.

NoteNotes: '

  • !


  • can be used for any course path to negate the requirement.

CertificateWillExpireInCourse (coursePath;certificateShortId;beforeExpiryDuration) (row 9)

A course path including certificate short Id and time before certificate expiry for re-registration which is prerequisite for the current course, using the predicate CertificateWillExpireInCourse (coursePath,certificateShortId,beforeExpiryDuration). Triple course path, certificate short Id and time before certificate expiry must be specified - use ';' as a parameter separator.
If multiple courses are prerequisite, separate the triple values with '|'.

NoteNotes: '

  • !


  • can be used for any course path to negate the requirement.

OrgProfileFieldChanged (since latest completion) ProfileChangedSinceLastCompletion (row 10)

Specify OPF name(s) to check for changed OPF values as a prerequisite for registration. The predicate ProfileChangedSinceLastCompletion(opfName) is used in the registration rule.
If multiple OPFs need to change for registration, separate the OPF names with '|'.

Users (UserNames) (row 11)

Add a user name or orgLoginId to register a specific user. Any other requirements like ticked OPF values or pre-requisites are considered for the rule as well.
If multiple users are specified, separate the values with '|'.


  • If multiple users are specified, the Offering Rule Generator will create one rule per user name to accomplish a logical OR between the user names. Those rules are copies of themselves, having only one user name.

IsInUserSet(userSet) (row 12)

Add a user set name (one only) to register users who are in that user set. The inverse (!) for this predicate is supported.

  • The UserSet is used to create the de-registration rules.

OrgProfileDateWithin(OPF;days) (row 13)

Specify the OPFs and how many days before the OPF value date a user should get registered to the course. If the Multiple predicates can be specified - use | as delimiter between the predicate configurations (e.g. EmbarkationDate;30|ContractStart;5)

If the days value is less than 0, output a warning but create the rule.


  • The


  • predicate is not used for de-registration rules.

  • The inverse ! is not supported in the matrix and would throw an exception


  • .

OPF Name (rows 15+)

Org profile name which can be used in registration rules.

Row 13 15 at column 1 must contain OPF Name. Any values below are OPF names


Org profile value which can be used in registration rules.

Row 13 14 at column 2 must contain OPF Value. Any values below are OPF values for the corresponding column 1 OPF.

General Notes

  • If no value is set for column Registration Type no registration rule is generated for this course. This would allow to create registration rule matrices which have more courses listed than used - possibly useful to prepare registration rules for not yet published courses.

  • If no requirement (OPF value) is selected no registration rule is generated. However, if Registration TypeOneTime’ is selected but no OPF value is selected the generator outputs a warning (console). This would indicate that the rule was left empty unintentional.

  • Commands to Commands to delete any 'registration rules' and 'de-registration rules' are generated if the column Registration Type has any value (e.g. OneTime). This is to remove any existing (old) rules.


Remove Instructor (row 4)

Set an x' into a course column to add a remove instructor rules. An instructor would be removed as soon as the instructor rule requirements wouldn’t apply anymore (i.e. due to a vessel change).


Add a user name or orgLoginId to add specific users as instructors. Any other requirements like ticked OPF values are considered for the rule as well.
If multiple users are specified, separate the values with '|'.


  • If multiple users are specified, the Offering Rule Generator will create one rule per user name to accomplish a logical OR between the user names. Those rules are copies of themselves, having only one user name.

IsInUserSet(userSet) (row 6)

Add a user set name (one only) to add users as instructors who are in that user set. The inverse (!) for this predicate is supported.


  • A UserSet is used to create the remove-instructor rules.

OrgProfileDateWithin(OPF;days) (row 7)

Specify the OPFs and how many days before the OPF value date a user should get added as instructor to the course.should get added as instructor to the course. Multiple predicates can be specified - use | as delimiter between the predicate configurations (e.g. EmbarkationDate;30|ContractStart;5). If the days value is less than 0, output a warning but create the rule.


  • The predicate is not used for remove-instructor rules.

  • The inverse


  • !


  • is not supported in the matrix and


  • would throw an exception.

OPF Name (rows 9+)

Org profile name which can be used in instructor rules.

Row 7 at column 1 must contain OPF Name. Any values below are OPF names.


Row 7 at column 2 must contain OPF Value. Any values below are OPF values for the corresponding column 1 OPF.



the corresponding column 1 OPF.

General Notes

  • Commands to delete any ‘instructor rules' and 'remove ‘remove instructor ' rules rules’ are generated if the column Instructor Rule Status has any value (e.g. Deactivated). This is to remove any existing (old) auto rules.



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name2022-05-12- Instructor Rule

Get Offering Rule Matrix via GetOfferingRuleMatrix
