"System.Customer.UserImportBackupFilePath" – Mandatory attribute for thread. This is the folder that files are backed up in. Files in the ImportFilePath folder are deleted after they are process. The Back up folder cleans is cleaned out files of a certain age (configured in the app.settings) by the UserImporter thread.)
"System.Customer.UserImportBatchSize" – Mandatory attribute. This is represented as an integer, and represents the number of users/rows to process in a batch run. This is included for performance reasons.
"System.Customer.UserImportProfileIndexes" – Optional attribute. Stores the mapping for user Profile Indexes to be used by the user importer. If this is not set, assume default values (see below) . Value separator is ':' or '=' (e.g. FirstName=0,EmailAddress=1,LastName=4,OrgLoginId=8) Value is the index for that field (zero indexed). The key/value pairs need to adhere to strict naming (Attribute keys are string constants, if they don't match, importer will fail). For example: First and Last Name cannot be in the same column. All keys must follow db table column names
// Generic User Import File Field Names (keys for dictionary)
private const string DeactivateUserKey = "Deactivate (X)";
private const string OrgPathKey = "OrgPath";
private const string OrgLoginKey = "OrgLoginID";
private const string LoginKey = "LoginID";
private const string PasswordKey = "Password";
private const string FirstNameKey = "FirstName";
private const string LastNameKey = "LastName";
private const string EmailAddressKey = "EmailAddress";
private const string ContactEmailKey = "ContactEmail";
private const string CanViewReportsKey = "CanViewReports";
private const string ForcePasswordChangeKey = "ForcePasswordChange";