"System.Customer.UserImportUsePasswordOnCreate" - Optional attributeattribute (applicable for New Users only). A boolean to configure if the password column in the CSV should be used . (New Users only). True will (default) will use the password field as initial password. False, will ignore the password in the CSV file.
System.Customer.UserImportUsePasswordOnCreate | System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided | Password mapping for CSV | Action |
false | false | false | |
false | false | true | pwd provided: pwd empty/white spaces: |
false | true | false | |
false | true | true | pwd provided: pwd empty/white spaces: |
true | false | false | |
true | false | true | pwd provided: pwd empty/white spaces: |
true | true | false | |
true | true | true | pwd provided: pwd empty/white spaces: |
System.Customer.UserImportUsePasswordOnCreate | System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided | Password in CSV (mapping) | Action |
false | false | false | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, don't create user and log error (but continue CSV file processing) |
false | false | true | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, don't create user and log warning (but continue CSV file processing) |
false | true | false | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, create user with random password (Guid) |
false |
true | true | create user via password format, if enabled via System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat. Otherwise, create user with random password (Guid) | |
true | false | false | don't create user and log error (but continue CSV file processing) |
true | false | true | create user with provided password |
true | true | false | create user with random password (Guid) |
true | true | true | create user with provided password |
"System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided" - Optional attribute (applicable for New Users only). A boolean flag to configure whether a random password (Guid) should be generated (New User only) if no password (empty/white spaces only) is provided in the password column of the CSV file. Default value (missing attribute): false.
System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided | Password in CSV | Action |
true | true | create user with provided password |
true | false | create user with random password (Guid) |
false | true | create user with provided password |
false | false | don't create user and log error (but continue CSV file processing) |
Note: The attribute is ignored if System.Customer.UserImportClassName = CUKUserImporter. That is, don't create any user with a random password - always create password from Date of Birth.
"System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat" - Optional attribute. A string that can be used to configure an Org's initial password. Accepts all AlphaNumeric characters, special symbols and Profile index keys (e.g. LastName). Can NOT use char '+' as that is used to parse the field. Additionally, you can specify casing by making the key to be used all caps or lowercase. If the Key not in all caps or lowercase, it will capitalize the first letter. Example Values: "LastName+123!" or "123+firstname+!!!+LASTNAME+321".
"System.Customer.UserImportExpireInitialPassword" - Optional attribute. A boolean to configure if the initial password needs to be immediately force changed. True will force change the password on first login.
"System.Customer.UserImportUseRandomPasswordIfNotProvided" - Optional attribute. A boolean: Set to true, no password complexity rules are enforced/checked for new users. Set a random password for new users as Guid. If false, If a password is not provided (either via CSV file directly, or via 'UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat') the user is not created and an error is outputted.