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"System.Customer.UserImportNewUserPasswordFormat" - Optional attribute.  A string that can be used to configure an Org's initial password.  Accepts all AlphaNumeric characters, special symbols and Profile index keys (e.g. LastName).  Can NOT use char '+' as that is used to parse the field.  Example Values: "LastName+123!" or "123+FirstName+!!!+LastName+321".

"System.Customer.UserImportExpireInitialPassword" -  Optional attribute.   A boolean to configure if the initial password needs to be immediately force changed.  True will force change the password on first login.


// Generic User Import File Field Names (keys for dictionary)
private const string DeactivateUserKey = "Deactivate (X)";
private const string OrgPathKey = "OrgPath";
private const string OrgLoginKey = "OrgLoginID";
private const string LoginKey = "LoginID";   //This can be UserName or EmailAddress
private const string PasswordKey = "Password";
private const string FirstNameKey = "FirstName";
private const string LastNameKey = "LastName";
private const string EmailAddressKey = "EmailAddress";
private const string ContactEmailKey = "ContactEmail";
private const string CanViewReportsKey = "CanViewReports";
private const string ForcePasswordChangeKey = "ForcePasswordChange";

Example of a configured org:

Image RemovedImage Added

Example CSV:

Default CSV Format:
