- Download Org.Pg here: ORG.Pg template (updated with 4.14.10 0 version)
- Open the Folder with Sublime Text (File > Open Folder)
- Right Click on the top level folder and select "Find in Folder..."
- Replace all "ORG" to "something"
- add ",*.xml,*.cshtml,*.css" to the end of the "Where' field
- Match whole word and match case
- There should be about ~2500 changes to replace (if there are more, check the settings in (b) and delete any Audit folders and try again)
- Be sure to save the files after replace.
- Change folders and files in those specific folders with ORG in the name to "something". Also rename O.Repo to 'X'.Repo
- Move somewhere more accessible if needed (e.g. c:\ or c:\test) for the next step
- Run a local instance and run the following command from the Client Tool:
importNavPage /Root ExSrt "Example Something" "Demos" "c:\Example.Pg" Copy
- Once you have the instance running, you will see a folder in your File Collection (e.g. ExSrt from example above)
- Edit those cshtml templates, css, images, etc... to customize your site! (Found in the File Collection)
NOTE: The style.css is common between all orgs. It is recommended that all changes go into the org-style.css and use the '!important' when overwriting the CSS class/element from style.css. This ensures that future changes to the style.css do not get lost.
Code Block language css /* Add to org-style.css. The following overrides the style.css */ #welcome-container .main { border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(237, 31, 36, .75) !important; } #welcome-container > .text-container { padding-top: 0px !important; } #welcome-container .main:before { border-top: 8px solid rgba(237, 31, 36, .45) !important; } #welcome-container .main:after { border-top: 8px solid rgba(237, 31, 36, .45) !important; } #welcome-container p.bottom { padding: 7.5px 12.5px 0px 12.5px !important; }
- When you are done be sure to export the files using the following command:
exportNavPage /Root/BWY c:\temp\ full
- After exporting, go to the folder that was exported to and delete all Audit folders (nested in courses) as well as the Audit folder at the root folder.
- Move that folder to your FTP folder on the Demo server
- Then import the exported folder using the command in (7) with the path to your ftp (for example:)
importNavPage /Root BWY "Bluewater" "Customer Demos" "d:\ftp\caleb\BWY.Pg" Copy
- As of version 4.1, if you want Feedback and Forgot Password notifications to work for the org, you must create rules for them. See: /wiki/spaces/CMD/pages/5432387149
Page Comparison
App links