Table of Contents |
Base Functions
LMSCommit() - Not Implemented?
Inputs: None
Returns: None
Description: Call the LMSCommit function
Inputs: None
Returns: The error code that was set by the last LMS function call
Call the LMSGetLastError function
Inputs: errorCode - Error Code
Returns: The textual description that corresponds to the input error code
Call the LMSGetErrorString function
- 0 - No Error
- 101 - General Exception
- 201 - Invalid Argument Error
- 202 - Element cannot have children
- 203 - Element not an array. Cannot have count.
- 301 - Not initialized
- 401 - Not implemented error
- 402 - Invalid set value, element is a keyword
- 403 - Element is read only
- 404 - Element is write only
- 405 - Incorrect Data Type
Inputs: errorCode - Error Code(integer format), or null
Returns: The vendor specific textual description that corresponds to the input error code
Call the LMSGetDiagnostic function
Inputs: None
Returns: CMIBoolean true if the initialization was successful, or
CMIBoolean false if the initialization failed.
Wraps the call to the LMS LMSSetValue function
LMSCommit() - Not Implemented?
Inputs: None
Returns: None
Description: Call the LMSCommit function
Inputs: None
Returns: The error code that was set by the last LMS function call
Call the LMSGetLastError function
Inputs: errorCode - Error Code
Returns: The textual description that corresponds to the input error code
Call the LMSGetErrorString function
- 0 - No Error
- 101 - General Exception
- 201 - Invalid Argument Error
- 202 - Element cannot have children
- 203 - Element not an array. Cannot have count.
- 301 - Not initialized
- 401 - Not implemented error
- 402 - Invalid set value, element is a keyword
- 403 - Element is read only
- 404 - Element is write only
- 405 - Incorrect Data Type
Inputs: errorCode - Error Code(integer format), or null
Returns: The vendor specific textual description that corresponds to the input error code
Call the LMSGetDiagnostic function
Check if LMS has been initialized. Return error if LMS has not been initialized. Else return true
GetLessonStatus (coursePath, shortId, studentId)
Inputs: nonecoursePath -> course path,
shortId -> identificator
studentId -> student Guid
Returns: objective childrenlesson status if correctly stored
Description: get objective children always returns "id,score,status"
Assessment Short Id = SCO.Id + "-Status", stored in the UsersTotal property of the student result audit state
Inputs: none
Returns: objective children count
Description: get objective children count returns the number of objective level assessments stored for this objective ("-Score" and "-Status" only count as 1)
Inputs: arguments - properties that should be returned (if no args define then return entire user)
Returns: current user props (format: prop1, prop2, prop3, ...)
Description: gets the current user props
children always returns "id,score,status"
GetObjectiveShortId(coursePath, shortId, studentId)
Description: Defines assessment name for objective 'n' (needs to be held as state in API object)
Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
shortId -> identificator
studentId -> student Guid
Returns: userTotal if correctly stored (cmi.core.score.raw)
Description: Assessment Short Id = SCO.Id + "-Score", stored in the UsersTotal property of the student result audit state
GetLessonStatus (coursePath, shortId, studentId)
Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
shortId -> identificator
studentId -> student Guid
Returns: lesson status if correctly stored
Description: Assessment Short Id = SCO.Id + "-Status", stored in the UsersTotal property of the student result audit statenone
Returns: objective children count
Description: get objective children count returns the number of objective level assessments stored for this objective ("-Score" and "-Status" only count as 1)
GetOutOf(coursePath, shortId, studentId)
Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
SCOId -> identificator
studentId -> student Guid
Returns: The comments for the SCO course
Inputs: arguments - properties that should be returned (if no args define then return entire user)
Returns: current user props (format: prop1, prop2, prop3, ...)
Description: gets the current user props
GetUsersTotal(coursePath, shortId,
Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
shortId shortId -> identificator
newScore - UsersTotal studentId -> student Guid
Returns: userTotal if correctly stored (cmi.core.score.raw)
Returns: true if correctly stored otherwise false
Description: Assessment Short Id = SCO.Id + "-Score", stored in the UsersTotal property of the student result audit state
SetLessonLocation(coursePath, SCOId, studentId, value)
Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
SCOId -> identificator
studentId -> student Guid
value - lesson location
Returns: true if correctly stored otherwise false
Description: Sets location of a lesson (cmi.core.lesson_location)
SetLessonStatus(coursePath, shortId, status)
Description: Assessment name = SCO.Id + "-Score", stored in the OutOf property of the student result audit state.
SetLessonLocation(coursePath, SCOId, studentId, value)
Inputs: coursePath -> course path,
SCOId -> identificator
studentId -> student Guid
value - lesson location
Returns: true if correctly stored otherwise false
Description: Sets location of a lesson (cmi.core.lesson_location)
SetSCOSuspendData (coursePath, SCOId, studentId, value)
Description: Sets Student's property
Helper Functions
SetUsersTotal (coursePath, shortId, newScore)
Inputs: SCORMErrorCodecoursePath -> course path,
statusCodeshortId -> identificator
Returns: noneDescription: sets API.private member variables to the specified error valuesnewScore - UsersTotal (cmi.core.score.raw)
Returns: true if correctly stored otherwise false
Description: Assessment Short Id = SCO.Id + "-Score", stored in the UsersTotal property of the student result audit state
Helper Functions
Inputs: none
Returns: none
Inputs: url - API url,
method - GET or POST,
hasBoolResult - if the caller wants to a 'true' or 'false' return, or a result or an empty string??
params - object that represents parameters that need to be sent to server
Returns: response or empty string '' if error happend
Description: calls server API methods (wrapper for Jquery ajax call)
findId(storeName, n)
Inputs: storeName - storage name
'n' variable
Returns: undefined
Description: Tries to find id/n combination by 'n' variable in specific local storage (Can be multiple, for example interactions or objectives).
Inputs: results - data array from server
Returns: SCORM definition of children objects (always returns "id,score,status")
Description: Map server children objects to SCORM children objects
parseCmi(cmiElementName, value)
Inputs: cmiElementName - cmi name
value - value to be set
Returns: true if correctly stored otherwise false
Description: Parse cmiElementName to be able to define shortId. (Specs:
Jira Legacy | ||||||
storeId(storeName, shortId)
Inputs: storeName - storage name shortId - server side shortId that contains information about id and 'n' variable
Returns: undefined
Description: Stores id / 'n' combinations for preventing too many server requests. There can be multiple storages (objectives, interactions).
Inputs: shortId - shortId that contains id/n
Returns: object that constains property: id, n
Description: Parses shortId string to get property: id & n
setError(SCORMErrorCode, statusCode, Message, StackTrace)
Inputs: SCORMErrorCode
Returns: none
Description: sets API.private member variables to the specified error values
Inputs: storeName - storage name
shortId - server side shortId that contains information about id and 'n' variable
Returns: undefined
Description: Tries to find Stores id / n combination by 'n' variable in specific local storage (Can be multiple, for example interactions or objectives).
Inputs: results - data array from server
Returns: SCORM definition of children objects (always returns "id,score,status")
Description: Map server children objects to SCORM children objectscombinations for preventing too many server requests. There can be multiple storages (objectives, interactions).