This page will discuss how to use the Registration Rule Generator.
- Row 1:
- Course Name [column A]: Full course name for readability purpose only
- Course Path [column B]: i.e. /Root/MarineLS/Course1
- You need to make sure the excel file is in the right format.
- An example of an excel file that is in the right format can be found at
- Make sure you do not have extra rows in your excel file when you convert it, delete any unnecessary rows.
- Once you excel file is in the right format convert the excel file to a .csv file (save as .csv) put it in the same folder as the downloaded Reg Rule generatorGenerator. Do this through Google Docs - for some reason when you do it on excel 365 it will save the .csv files with ";" instead of "," and they need to be separated by "," (commas).
- Once the generator is running execute the following command in CMD. Note this example does not have the Re-register ticked in the excel file and does not include anything about certificates.
- RegistrationRuleGenerator.exe student -f "2018.09.13 - RegistrationRulesCMG_Rev03.csv" -o "C:\Users\Hayley.MARINELS\Desktop\2018.09.18-PreRelease-RegistrationRuleGenerator\Results2" -p /Root/Carnival/CMG/ -v
- Note: This command is tailored to an example from an excel sheet. Make sure all of the proper flags are included if Re-register is needed.
- This will export the list of the Registration Rules into the text document Results2 which you will then copy and run in /pages/dev.
- Open the Text file and you will have a copy of your Registration Rules.
- The registration rules will be in the following format - addRegisterStudentRule [string: orgPath] [string: coursePath] [string: filterExpression] [string actionType]
- Go to the site you wish to put the Registration Rules on and go to /pages/dev to run the commands.