At first we need to configure navigation attribute for the organization with the following commands.
Code Block |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.NIUserCsvIntegrator.IsTestMode True |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.Integrator.NIUserCsvIntegrator.CsvDelimiter "," |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.Integrator.NIUserCsvIntegrator.ImportFileBackupPath [value] |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.Integrator.NIUserCsvIntegrator.ImportFilePath [value] |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.Integrator.NIUserCsvIntegrator.SchedulePeriod "1" |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.Integrator.NIUserCsvIntegrator.PollingInterval "1" |
AddNavPageAttribute [path] System.Customer.Integrator.NIUserCsvIntegrator.CsvTranslations [value] |
Example of CsvTranslations:
Code Block |
"AutoUserDeactivationConfiguration": {
"MaxUsersToDeactivate": "500",
"UserFilterFieldNames": [
] |
UserFilterFieldNames array takes the field name to filter the users on which auto deactivation will be applied if they are not part of the csv import, where field must be a Single Choice String (ScS).
Also, Deactivation users count must be less than less than MaxUsersToDeactivate
Sample Configuration
Code Block |
"UserImporterConfiguration": { "BatchSize": "400", "MaxJsonLength": "4194304", "ExpireInitialPassword": "true", "ResetPasswordOnUserReactivation": "false", "UserImportMode" : "Partial", "Thresholds": [ { "Name" : "MaxUsersPerImport", "Value" : 1, "Action" : "GenerateWarning" }, { "Name" : "MaxDeactivateUsers", "Value" : 1, "Action" : "GenerateWarning" }, { "Name" : "MaxNewUsers", "Value" : 1, "Action" : "GenerateWarning" }, { "Name" : "MaxOrgProfileValueUpdates", "Value" : 1, "Action" : "GenerateWarning" }, { "Name" : "MaxReactivateUsers", "Value" : 1, "Action" : "GenerateWarning" }, { "Name" : "MaxInvalidUsers", "Value" : 1, "Import SourceAction" : "None" } ] |
} |
BatchSize It defines how many users will be processed at a time.
MaxJsonLength The maximum length of the json file
ExpireInitialPassword if the initial Password needs to expire on first time login or not. True by default.
ResetPasswordOnUserReactivation Decides whether password will be reset after reactivation or not.
UserImportMode Possible Values Can be Partial or Full. If UserImportMode=Full, the user doesn’t get created if any of the fields is invalid. In case of If UserImportMode=Partial, user can be created even if any regular fields are incorrect.
Thresholds This configuration is designed to monitor various user import related operations and to take different actions based on the configuration if certain thresholds are exceeded,.
Action Can be 3 different types:
GenerateWarning : If the configured threshold exceeds it only generates warning using mail but doesn’t stop import.
StopImport : If the configured threshold exceeds it stops import immediately.
None: If the configured threshold exceeds it only logs the issue but doesn’t stop import.