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 addRegisterStudentRule -- Usage addRegisterStudentRule [string: orgPath] [string: coursePath] [string: filterExpression] [string actionType]


Student Rules

  • Row 1:
    • Course Name [column A]: Full course name for readability purpose only
    • Course Path [column B]: i.e. /Root/MarineLS/Course1
    • Re-Registration [column C]: Set ‘x’ to enable re-registration. Column D is mandatory if column C is ticked.
    • Re-Registration Before Certificate Expiry [column D]: This optional column is used in combination with Re-Registration (column C). It determines the period of time a user should be re-registered before their certificate expires. If left empty the user is re-registered on the day their certificate expires. The format of the cell is a duration value in days, months or years (i.e. like 1d, 2m or 3y)

The OrgProfileField requirements must match and the current date is greater than (expiry date - duration) before a user gets re-registered
The certificate will be awarded on completion (via certificate rule)
The certificate has a ValidityDuration. If no ValidityDuration is set, the user will never be re-registered because the certificate doesn’t expire
Only one certificate (template) per course exists (Certificate Short Id in column E). If multiple certificate templates are used for one course, we need additional discussions on how to determine when to re-register a user

    • Certificate Short Id [column E]: Mandatory if Re-Registration (column C) is ticked. Certificate short Id (name) which is used to determine the re-registration date according to certificate’s ValidityDuration
    • De-Registration [column F]: Set ‘x’ to de-register users from course if any of the OrgProfileField’s value doesn’t match the users’ profile. If the cell is empty, the user will be left registered in the course even if the requirements to get registered in this course don’t match anymore
    • OrgProfileField Names (Column G+): OrgProfileField names used in any of the rules. The column spans across all OrgProfileValues in row 2


  1. Download the Registration Rule Generator from the following folder. Currently, it is located on the google drive under Operations → Professional Services → Moran Tug → Registration Rule Generator (Pre-release Version) or it can be found at the following link:
  2. Image Modified


  1. Download the .zip file and put it someone on your drive and extract the file
  2. Open CMD as an Administrator
  3. Navigate to the file location using cd / use the dir command to list everything in the folder. 
  4. C:\Users\Hayley.MARINELS\Desktop\2018.09.18-PreRelease-RegistrationRuleGenerator
  5. Type in RegistrationRuleGenerator.exe student to get a list of the options you have and that you need to include. Using the student will do registration rules for Students you can also do instructor.

Image Modified

Excel File

    1. You need to make sure the excel file is in the right format. 
      1. An example of an excel file that is in the right format can be found at
    2. Once you excel file is in the right format convert the excel file to a .csv file (save as .csv) put it in the same folder as the downloaded Reg Rule generator
      1. Make sure you do not have extra rows in your excel file when you convert it, delete any unnecessary rows.
