Versions Compared


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You can sign up for a free trial anytime, keeping in mind though that once you cross the storage limit of 100 MB, you will be charged for consequent usage.  Note: if

SCORM Cloud is a tool that can be used to evaluate the behavior of a SCORM package. You can use it to test if your SCORM content can be uploaded and launched successfully, you can view the SCORM content, and you can test to see what sort of completion data the SCORM content reports.

  1. Go to SCORM Cloud.
  2. Click Try it free.
  3. Complete the sign-up form.

Note: if using the free version, and your package is greater than 100MB it's likely there are big asset file (e.g. videos) in the package.  Delete/remove those videos to get the package below the 100MB trial threshold.  The course can still be tested; the SCORM Cloud may hang for a second or two looking for the missing asset, but you will be able to continue as normal.

SCORM Cloud is a tool that can be used to evaluate the behavior of a SCORM package. You can use it to test if your SCORM content can be uploaded and launched successfully, you can view the SCORM content, and you can test to see what sort of completion data the SCORM content reports.



Reviewing your SCORM content in SCORM Cloud
