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Report Generator, Documents, Activities


Regular Report

Latest Version



The report displays the qualification of officers from the Deck/ Engine department(s) for the selected vessel and date.


The report displays the qualification of officers (from the Deck and/ or Engine department(s) for the selected vessel and date.

Before running the report it is necesssary to perform a set up necessary to complete the setup in General Codes Tables (. See the documentation:!OpenDocument)


APM_Officer_Matrix_1Image Removed


Years on Watch - If the retuned  SIRE Office Metric Interface.



Vessel Pool - contains 2 hardcoded companies.

Dessel - lists all vessels below the selected Pool.

Date - to only compile data based on historical sea-service activities crossing (or before) set date.

Type: Deck / Engine - to define corresponding text printed in header (Deck / Engine / both).

Good English Proficiency by Default - affects English Proficiency field appearance (see below).


Years on Watch - If the returned Rank is defined in PW001C02 with the option Officer on Watch or Engineer on Watch set, we find ALL sea-service activities that are linked to ANY rank/ position that has the option Officer on Watch or Engineer on Watch set. Field shows total Days / 365.25 (1 decimal sign).

Certificate of Competence - latest pw001p05 document with c06.doctype='COC'. Always displays the value from CoC, even if requirements are in compliance with Endorsement.

Issuing Country - p05.validincountry of selected Certificate of Competence. Flag The flag is displayed from CoC even if the CoC flag is not in compliance & Endorsement covers the correct flag. Full country name is shown.

Administrative Acceptance - if exist p05 document with c06.Q88_adminaccept='Y' (Yes/No)

Tanker Certification - C06.Q88_Certification of P05 documents with C06.Q88_IS_TANKER_CERT='Y' (None/Oil/Chemical/Oil and Chemical/Gas and Chemical/Oil, Chemical and Gas).

STCW V Para 1 - all relevant PARA 1 and PARA 2 certification certifications based on tanker type of current vessel.

Radio Qualification - :

  • 'Yes' - if the position requires a Radio qualification certificate & crew member has it.

  • 'No' - if the position requires a Radio qualification certificate & crew member doesn't have it or it is expired.

  • 'N/A' - if the position doesn't require a Radio qualification certificate.

  • A Competence may be a Radio Qualification Certificate (checkbox selected in -> Competence -> Interface xref).

English Proficiency - Select selects the latest language proficiency from pw001p05 (document with latest/newest datefrom). C06.DOCTYPE='LANG'. If option 'Good English Proficiency by default' is selected then result='Good' if any document exists

Years With Operator - DATEDIFF(dd,ISNULL(ONB.DATEFROM, p01.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE), [reporting date])+1/365.25. Only sea-service activities linked to a vessel or a position below the vessel are counted.

Years In Rank - Count years on all activities with the same position. If the rank identified in the tag is defined in pw001c02 to "combine years in rank with" an other another rank. ALL seaservice sea-service activities linked to BOTH ranks need to be used to calculate the YearsInRank.

Years On This Tanker Type - Count years on all vessels where the tanker type of vessel type is the same as the vessel reported (incl. this vessel). All sea service records linked to a vessell vessel that is linked to vessel type with the same q88 tanker type set as the vessel for which the q88 export is made PLUS All sea service records linked NOT linked to a vessel but linked to a vessel type with the same q88 tanker type set as the vessel for which the q88 export is made.

Years On All Tanker Types - Count years on all vessels wherevessel where vessel type is tanker type (incl. this vessel). All seaservice sea-service activities are linked to a vessel which is linked to a vessel type where the check box "Is Tanker Type" is set. PLUS All seaservice sea-service activities that are NOT linked to a vessel but linked to a vessel type where the check box "Is Tanker Type" is set.

Report Sample





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