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This view will fetch all payroll transactions from specified historical periods that have Employers Fee calculated, or that have a setting for being included in the Employers Fee basis in A-melding/EDAG.
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Select p01.Pin, z.Company, z.Employer, z.Vessel as 'Vessel name', z.EC as 'EC Number and Text', z.[Period] as 'Period', z.Basis, z.[Basis from A-melding], z.Basis-z.[Basis from A-melding] as 'A-melding diff', z.[Basis from A-melding included], P01.Client Numorgid, P01.Employmentstartdate, P01.Employmentenddate From (SELECT pyh.Pin , c.Name as 'Company', e.Name as 'Employer', v.Name as 'Vessel', pyh.Periodeused as 'Period', convert(varchar,pyh.Entrycode) + ' ' + txt.text as 'EC', case when pyh.calculatedamount6<>0 and pyh.entrycode not in (163,168) THEN (pyh.calculatedamount2*100/14.1)/1.033 when pyh.calculatedamount6<>0 and pyh.entrycode in (163,168) THEN (pyh.calculatedamount2*100/14.1) when pyh.calculatedamount6=0 then (pyh.calculatedamount2*100/14.1) end as 'Basis', case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L61' and AGA = 'Y') from pw001pyh pyh else 0.00 end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L66' and AGA = 'Y') then pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT6 else 0.00 end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L67' and AGA = 'Y') then pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT7 else 0.00 end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L68' and AGA = 'Y') then pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT8 else 0.00 end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L69' and AGA = 'Y') then pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT9 else 0.00 end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L70' and AGA = 'Y') then pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT10 else 0.00 end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L71' and AGA = 'Y') then pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT11 else 0.00 end as 'Basis from A-melding', case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L61' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT1 != 0.00 then 'L61 ' else '' end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L66' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT6 != 0.00 then 'L66 ' else '' end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L67' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT7 != 0.00 then 'L67 ' else '' end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L68' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT8 != 0.00 then 'L68 ' else '' end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L69' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT9 != 0.00 then 'L69 ' else '' end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L70' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT10 != 0.00 then 'L70 ' else '' end + case when pyh.entrycode in (select ENTRYCODE from PWEDAGDEF where PFIELDNO='L71' and AGA = 'Y') and pyh.CALCULATEDAMOUNT11 != 0.00 then 'L71' else '' end as 'Basis from A-melding included' from pw001pyh pyh left join pyety001 txt on pyh.entrycode=txt.entrycode left join pworg c on pyh.orgnumid=c.numorgid left join pworg e on pyh.employer=e.numorgid left join pworg v on pyh.accountdim2=v.numorgid left join pw001c02 c02 on pyh.rank=c02.code where pyh.entrycode not in (146) and pyh.calculatedamount2<>0 and pyh.PERIODEUSED between 202100 and 202200) Z left join pw001p01 p01 on p01.pin= z.pin |
Field Specification
The easiest way to find the differences is to drop the following fields into the following areas:
Drop the fields “Basis”, “Basis from A-melding” and “A-melding diff” into the “Drop Data fields here”.
Drop the field “Period”, “Company”, “EC Number and Text” and “PIN” into the “Drop Column fields here”
Afterward, you can use the “A-melding diff” field and filter away all 0 amounts so that you are left with only the amounts causing a difference.
You can also filter away any entry codes, like Svalbard entry codes since the employer fee there is 0 there and if not they will come up with a difference.