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This article explains what to do when you can’t close a pop-up window in Adonis Personnel Manager due to the small screen resolution.



Knowledge Base Article


Pop-up window

This article explains what to do when you can’t close a pop-up window in Adonis Personnel Manager due to the small screen resolution.

Table of Contents


If you have a screen with a small resolution, it might happen that the ❌ button for the pop-up window will not be visible /outside of the display area.

Here’s an example of the Payscale Table Properties window.


Image Added



Option 1

Use Alt+F4 combination on the keyboard to close the active window.

Option 2

Minimize the window size by dragging the corner of the window.

See the attached video on how to do this.


Some windows, however, cannot be resized, as example Global Settings.

If this is the case and you cannot see a way how to close the window, the following tip can be used: use the Tab key on your keyboard. Each click will move the cursor to the next field on the screen again and again until the Cancel or OK buttons are in focus. Then you can close the window.