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Patch 7 13 2022.30.8 14 for Adonis Personnel Manager is available for download. If you are affected by any of the issues from the "Release notes" below, please download and upgrade your system.


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APM 2022.30.14 Patch 13




Release notes


Connection is busy with results for another command - error message when sending payslip by email

The following improvements have been applied:

  1. The MARS status is now displayed in the System Information dialog:

    Image Added

    MARS (Multiple active result sets) enables the interleaved execution of multiple requests within a single connection.

  1. Set the Fetch All mode for all queries in the reports. It allows getting all records immediately after opening a query.


APM 2022.30.13 Patch 12




Release notes


Customized filter does not work in Norwegian Pension Fund export

This is fixed now


APM 2022.30.12 Patch 11




Release notes


Total entry code is not created during processing Travel Expenses

Fixed the bug on failure to create total entry codes while processing travel expense documents.

From now on, the warning message appears if Total Travel Expense is not generated.


APM 2022.30.11 Patch 10




Release notes


Need to adapt the payment file according to the requirements for Malaysian banks

Adjusted ISO20022(Credit Suisse) and ISO20022(MT101):

  1. Added the possibility to define Purpose Of Payment codes in the payment export dialog window. Dialog window appears as usually after the Payment list;

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For ISO20022(Credit Suisse) the system will check 5, 6 symbols of the Receiver bank Swift code, compare it to the country defined for POP codes and if the countries are the same, then POP code will be fetched to the tag <Ustrd> with the information from the field ‘Receiver Ref.’;

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For ISO20022(MT101) the system will check 5, 6 symbols of the Receiver bank Swift code, compare it to the country defined for POP codes and if the countries are the same, then POP code will be fetched to the field 70 with the information from the field ‘Reference’;

Image Added


APM 2022.30.10 Patch 9




Release notes


Cyprus Social Insurance Registration

For proper Social Insurance data export in addition to providing Travel document details into the export file, we now also export the corresponding picture objects to the same folder. Files are named as <PinNumber>.jpg. The picture corresponds to the valid Passport document or valid travel document with code EUID if a person doesn’t have a valid passport record. If no file can be exported, the person will be displayed in the export log as if the document is missing.


Update the Nationality code for the UK crew from K to D in Logisoft

Displayed & exported value for Nationality Code is now flagged as ‘D’ instead of former ‘K’ for the United Kingdom crew members


Add the Nationality name filed in Logisoft Social Registration

Added columns for Nationality Name to be visible for a person in grid & to be included into the exported file for Social Registration.


LogiSoft Activity Combo box

For more flexibility on collecting activities for Social Registration and Social Application exports we provided dropdown that allows to select not only seaservice, but various activity codes.

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APM 2022.30.9 Patch 8




Release notes


Error in customized lookup field set to Organization Type

When Under General Codes > Customized > Fields create a lookup field was set to Organization Type, then you open Personal Details’ custom view containing this field – Could Not Convert error was raised.


Norwegian tax period

We redesigned the calculation rules for the Norwegian tax according to the latest legal recommendations..

  • If the income refers to a period from at least 25 days to 1 month and 3 days at the most, select Month from the drop-down list.

  • If the income refers to 18 - 24 days, divide the income amount into three, select the week table and multiply the tax deduction amount by three.

  • If the income covers a half month, multiply your salary by two, select the month table, and divide the tax deduction amount by two.

  • If the income refers to 11 - 17 days, select the 14-day table.

  • Select the week table if the income refers to 5 -10 days.

  • Select the relevant day table if the income refers to 1 - 4 days.

For more information, contact our service desk.


APM 2022.30.8 Patch 7




Release notes


LogiSoft ID Number

  • Added possibility to select European Id document code in Setup;

  • European Id will be fetched to the Logisoft`s grid, according to the code selected in Setup, if person has no Passport;

  • European Id will be fetched to export file, according to the code selected in Setup, if person has no Passport;


Upgrade the system from v.2021 to v.2022.30 fails due to the error

Fixed problem while updating APM from 2021.50.14.1 to2022.30.6.1.


The changing of status for sea-service activity doesn't change the status of corresponding record in Crew Change -> Promotion/Extension tab

Fixed situation when the system was not updating the record in Crew Change module -> Promotion/Extension tab from confirmed to planned in the case when the status of linked sea-service activity was changed from current to planned in Activities datagroup.


Tax for table 7350 with 1 day is calculated incorrectly

This is fixed now


APM 2022.30.7 Patch 6




Release notes


Error in Document Merge

Access issue when trying to merge a document using output option To common Word document.


Enable Transaction Costs for Rabobank and Deutsche Bank interfaces

Improved currency processing for Advance List By Currency report: international GBP payments provide the value for Transaction cost (tag ChrgBr) as DEBT for the primary bank account and CRED for other bank accounts


APM 2022.30.6 Patch 5




Release notes


Contract termination also terminates the employment

Fixed problem when person became Terminated in Personal Details after closing Current Contract in Contracts Datagroup. From now Contract Termination will not lead to termination of Employment state in Personal Details.


Program update by replicator

Fixed problem with loading library while performing APM silent upgrade.


Error with displaying AS Codes in the wrong 'L' field in the Entry Codes → Annual tab

Fixed problem when AS Codes were displayed for the wrong 'L' fields in the Entry Codes Setup → Annual tab.

APM 2022.30.5 Patch 4




Release notes


Payroll entries are created twice during transfer of timesheet

Duplicate records were created when transferring timesheets to payroll using the TAA_ApprovedTimeSheetsPerDayAndRank method of Adonis Personnel Portal.


Timesheets transfert to payroll by TAA_ApprovedTimeSheetsPerDayAndRank method

Implemented import of WorkedTotalByRank property from TAA_ApprovedTimeSheetsPerDayAndRank method of Adonis Personnel Portal


AV error when moving from one EC to another EC

AV when setting the different national AS Code then switching to the other entry code record.


Tax transfer report doesn't work when the companies use different entry table numbers

Generation of the Tax Transmission report, when there were more than one Entry Code table in the system and Payroll period was closed for one of them


EDAG settings by the period do not work properly, when the system has more than one entry code table set

Fixed problem with Historical A-Melding reports, when there are two different entry code tables in system and one of them is without EDAG codes definition in selected period. In such case settings will be taken from the period before selected one.
In addition we have added verification while loading the EDAG definition for historical period in the Entry Codes maintenance. It checks if setup exists or not, and if not, the confirmation message will be raised and ask if user wants to copy EDAG settings from the previous period.

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Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Double) error in Time Sheets datagroup

Conversion error when trying to display timesheets with the fractional time portion


APM 2022.30.4 Patch 3




Release notes


APM is hanging when you try to open Leave account

Application was hanging when trying to open Leave Account form that depends on results returned by APP web-methods. The issue is resolved by moving the request/response to the separate thread


"Set Paid Flag On Payment" and "Re-create Auto Entry If PAID" options do not work for the Tax EC

When the tax entry is created when calculating payroll & the option of the entry Set Paid Flag On Payment is set, the next calculation will verify the tax basis & create the new entry to cover the difference between the existing tax entry and newly calculated tax.


Contract Termination does not delete planned activities or remove from rotations shifts

Termination of the main contract now provides the similar logic as the Terminate procedure in Personal Details: planned activities & shifts are removed, current activity is closed, payroll transactions in the current period are recalculated.


APM 2022.30.3 Patch 2




Release notes


Can't create overlap activity for future

The system did not allow overlapping activities even if the added activity has switched on the option “_Allow overlaps on other activity types”_.
This is now fixed.


Can't process timesheets linked to payscales with Å, Ä, Ö letters in Code

UTF8 was not switched in the import routine processing the time sheets and travel expenses. This caused, for example, the nordic characters to be interpreted wrongly. This is now fixed, and non ASCII characters are imported correctly.


Dock Issue with Crew List and Datagroups

Fixed the problem that the docking functionality does not work correctly and generates a system error when the customer tries to dock the crew list and or any data group.

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Not possible to import dates with import spreadsheet routine

When linking a spreadsheet cell to a date field in the payroll transaction, the system through an import error when the cell was not defined as a date. Instead of generating an error the system generates an error in the import log.

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If this error occurs, please check the format of the cell containing the date:


APM 2022.30.2 Patch 1




Release notes


Add Tax Type field into Constants for Finnish Tax

For Finnish national payroll we added the possibility to define the person’s Tax Type as


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Sign Off day is deducted from both consecutive sailing activities

Fixed calculation of leave days for sea-service activity at the moment when this sea-service activity is created


Issue with Dates on auto-generated Payroll entries

Fixed issue with the dates on payroll entry
