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Patch 11 18 2022.20.12 19 for Adonis Personnel Manager is available for download. If you are affected by any of the issues from the "Release notes" below, please download and upgrade your system.


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APM 2022.20.19 Patch 18




Release notes


Activity gannt to be restricted to rotation plan dates

Activity Gantt id restricted by DateFrom of the opened rotation plan.

If the crew member has an activity where DateTo=DateFrom of the plan then such activity will be shown on the Gantt


APM 2022.20.18 Patch 17




Release notes


Possibility to override the default sea-service activity code, which originates from the shift definition

In the Rotation Planning module, implemented the possibility to replace a sea-service activity code with different one in the assigned shift.


APM 2022.20.17 Patch 16




Release notes


Create shift extentions from the main shift detail page

Implemented the possibility to extend the shift length with an extra shift. To do this, simply select a shift and select the enabled opinion to extend the selected shift(s):

Image Added

An arrow indicates the link between the original shift and the shift identifying the shift extension.

Note. The extended shift is linked to the original one.


Start shift extension at original main shift end-date

Following options are added to Roster Planning:

  • “Enhance Shift” ending at the “Main Shift“ start date.

  • “Extend Shift” starting at the “Main Shift“ end date

To access the options, navigate to Global Options > Rotation planning:

Image Added

Selecting the options enables shift extention in the Rotation Planning module on the Shift Details tab:

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Can't process timesheets linked to payscales with Å, Ä, Ö letters in Code issue

Fixed the bug on processing timesheets linked to payscales with special characters. As a result, the timesheets linked to payscales with special characters are successfully processed and special characters are correctly displayed

APM 2022.20.16 Patch 15




Release notes


Need to adapt the payment file according to the requirements for Malaysian banks

Adjusted ISO20022(Credit Suisse) and ISO20022(MT101):

  1. Added the possibility to define Purpose Of Payment codes in the payment export dialog window. Dialog window appears as usually after the Payment list;

Image Added

For ISO20022(Credit Suisse) the system will check 5, 6 symbols of the Receiver bank Swift code, compare it to the country defined for POP codes and if the countries are the same, then POP code will be fetched to the tag <Ustrd> with the information from the field ‘Receiver Ref.’;

Image Added

For ISO20022(MT101) the system will check 5, 6 symbols of the Receiver bank Swift code, compare it to the country defined for POP codes and if the countries are the same, then POP code will be fetched to the field 70 with the information from the field ‘Reference’;

Image Added


APM 2022.20.15 Patch 14




Release notes


Cyprus Social Insurance Registration

For proper Social Insurance data export in addition to providing Travel document details into the export file, we now also export the corresponding picture objects to the same folder. Files are named as <PinNumber>.jpg. The picture corresponds to the valid Passport document or valid travel document with code EUID if a person doesn’t have a valid passport record. If no file can be exported, the person will be displayed in the export log as if the document is missing.


Update the Nationality code for the UK crew from K to D in Logisoft

Displayed & exported value for Nationality Code is now flagged as ‘D’ instead of former ‘K’ for the United Kingdom crew members


APM 2022.20.14 Patch 13




Release notes


LogiSoft ID Number

  • Added possibility to select European Id document code in Setup;

  • European Id will be fetched to the Logisoft`s grid, according to the code selected in Setup, if person has no Passport;

  • European Id will be fetched to export file, according to the code selected in Setup, if person has no Passport;


LogiSoft Activity Combo box

For more flexibility on collecting activities for Social Registration and Social Application exports we provided dropdown that allows to select not only seaservice, but various activity codes.

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Add the Nationality name filed in Logisoft Social Registration

Added columns for Nationality Name to be visible for a person in grid & to be included into the exported file for Social Registration

APM 2022.20.13 Patch 12




Release notes


Enable Transaction Costs for Rabobank and Deutsche Bank interfaces

Improved currency processing for Advance List By Currency report: international GBP payments provide the value for Transaction cost (tag ChrgBr) as DEBT for the primary bank account and CRED for other bank accounts

APM 2022.20.12 Patch 11




Release notes


EDAG settings by the period do not work properly, when the system has more than one entry code table set

Fixed problem with Historical A-Melding reports, when there are two different entry code tables in system and one of them is without EDAG codes definition in selected period. In such case settings will be taken from the period before selected one.

In addition we have added verification while loading the EDAG definition for historical period in the Entry Codes maintenance. It checks if setup exists or not, and if not, the confirmation message will be raised and ask if user wants to copy EDAG settings from the previous period.

Image Modified


APM is hanging when you try to open Leave account

The application was hanging when trying to open the Leave Account form that depends on results returned by APP web methods. The issue is resolved by moving the request/response to a separate thread.


Tax transfer report doesn't work when the companies use different entry table numbers

Fixed problem with generating Tax Transmission report, when there are more than one Entry Code table in the system and Payroll period is closed for one of them.


APM 2022.20.11 Patch 10




Release notes


Move CrewLink embedded window to Microsoft Edge WebView2

Provided compatibility of the embedded CrewLink window with the Microsoft Edge browser.


APM 2022.20.10 Patch 9




Release notes


“Aarslonn” is not fetched correctly if a person is paid based on personal rate 1

We modified calculation of Aarslonn value: Selected Personal Rate will be multiplied by 12 to show yearly value. If selected Personal Rate is empty, then the field from Organisation Structure > Reports > Norsk Innrapportering > FNO > Aarslonn Payscale Rate will be used.


APM 2022.20.9 Patch 8




Release notes


Danske bank payment files are rejected for transfers outside Denmark, Sweden and Norway

This is fixed now


APM 2022.20.8 Patch 7




Release notes


Advance List by Currency does not process the payments correctly to both BNP Paribas and Rabobank

We extended Advance Payment list report with the possibility to generate payment files even if more than one bank details are defined for payment in the same currency. It can now generate the separate payment file in ISO20022 format for possible payments for BNP Paribas and Radobank


Field TYPE (DESCRIPTION) missing for the Transportation expense

Fixed the issue when Description field for the method TE_Transportation is not fetched to APM while transferring Travel Expenses.


APM 2022.20.7 Patch 6




Release notes


Adonis Query - Organization field refers to Contract type

The issue is fixed now. Organization list is referring to Organizational Unit. Implemented solution to display in Adonis Query criteria selection for Organization P10 "Companies List" and for Payroll Vessel P248 "Vessel List"


APM 2022.20.6 Patch 5




Release notes


Need to include "DNP" activity to Logisoft export

Implemented the optional possibility to limit activities as for the content to be processed in Payment Schedule export.

Image Modified


Sick wizard doesn't work properly

Activities’ evaluation was performed wrong when sick activity generated and inserted at the middle of current seaservice


One or more errors occurred error when running e-mailed payslip

Various errors when generating payslips for a number of crew using Email Report due to unsecured multi-threads


Mismatching the rank and payscale info between records in Crew Change -> Sign On/Off and sea-service activity after changes in Rotation module

When updating Rank on activity using Update Payroll Information, it was not added to Crew Change


When rank is updated on activity via "Update Payroll Information", it is not added to Crew Change

After the confirmation of Sign On in Crew Change module the record receives the payscale code from activity, even if the different one has been defined upon confirmation.


APM 2022.20.5 Patch 4




Release notes


Possibility to show the vessel project on a selected dimension (Dim3..12) other than the account DIM5

For accounting voucher setup we provided the possibility to define Vessel Project for any DimX value, not only for Dim5 earlier.


Extend the database function dbo.ad_FeildAmount to handle further Entryfield4..Entryfield9

Added function ad_FieldValue to return value of a payroll entry.
iSEQNO (int) – to define the sequence number of the entry in pw001pay / pw001pyh
iPFIELDNO (varchar 3) – to define field as used in payroll (Lxx where xx is the numeric value)
iTYPE (vachar 1) – to define C for current period value, H for historical


APM 2022.20.4 Patch 3




Release notes


Issue with the Contracts created by the system during the upgrade

During the upgrade, the system converted the current contract information to the newly implemented contract data group structure. This conversion is redundant for those who are not planning to use this functionality.
We have removed the conversion from the upgrade procedure.


Refresh button in CrewChange should not trigger requests to CrewLink

Reverted functionality of automatic data refresh to avoid permanent requests being sent to the interface’s server
