- Download date picker js language file from https://github.com/uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker/tree/master/js/locales
- Add the js file to Main.Web \Scripts\libs
- Add reference in Global.asax.cs for the the new js file: bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/Scripts/marinelms.js").Include (i.e. "~/Scripts/libs/bootstrap-datepicker.fr.min.js,")
Use DatePicker in cshtml
(Note: This information is obsolete when the DateInput component is used. Moving forward @Html.DateInput(...) should be used when a date picker is required in a view.)
The date picker classes data-date-format and data-date-language must exist and have the correct values.
Note: Sisulizer generates the translation resx files for any new default resx file. The translation resx files need to be added to the VS solution once (see Update Resx Files and/or Create Translations for Core).
Edit Existing Resx Name/Value
- Rename or move all resx files (default and translations) - if the default resx file was renamed, the translation resx files need to be renamed accordingly
- Rename or move default resx file only and delete all their corresponding translation resx files from the VS solution. Sisulizer will generate new translation resx files for the renamed/moved default resx file. However, follow the steps at Update Resx Files and/or Create Translations for Core to re-add the translation resx files to the VS solution again.