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Adonis Personnel Portal

2022.32.1.1 - Early Access Release


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Adonis Personnel Portal

2022.32.2.1 - Early Access Release

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Adonis Personnel Portal

2022.32.3.1 - Early Access Release

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Adonis Personnel Portal

2022.32.4.1 - Early Access Release

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Adonis Personnel Portal Compatibility Matrix

APP Version

APM Version*





  • APM version numbers are the minimum required to be compatible with the APP version.

APP 2022.32.4 - Early Access Release



Release Notes


EA-01 Calculation footer not in sync

The Roster Planning scheduler totals are extended with the scaling functionality to improve column alignment. Letter P is removed from the block description. Now it shows only the number of planned time blocks by position.


EA-02 Time header not in sync

This is fixed now


EA-05 No success with MLC check

In the Person Timesheet view of the Roster Planning module, fixed the bug on correctly displaying MLC violations in the Finnish regional settings.


EA-06 Next day came visible

In the Roster Planning scheduler, modified the behavior of the date change controller.


EA-07 Person not changed

Added modification to handle the Finnish regional settings in the Roster Planning - Person Timesheet view.


EA-08 Changes are not applied

In the Roaster Planning module, fixed the bug on displaying shifts incorrectly under the following conditions:

  • The Check Violations command is turned on.

  • The browser language is set to Finnish.


The errors in the browser console on loading the totals in the Roster Planning scheduler

While reloading the Roster scheduler, the menu items such as date change and scale are disabled.


APP 2022.32.3 - Early Access Release



Release Notes


Roster module - Search panel is missing after switching from 60 to 30 min view

Search functionality improvements in the Roster Planning scheduler and Persons Timesheets dialog.


Method TAA_ApprovedTimesheetsPerDayAndRank does not return hours by each rank

The TAA_ApprovedTimesheetsPerDayAndRank extended with the grouping by rank. The API call returns hours for each position in the case of a promotion during the day.


Add 30 min view for the Person Timesheet

Added 30 min view for the Persons Timesheet in Roster Planning module


Add a context menu for the Person Timesheet dialog

The Roster Planning - Person Timesheet dialog is extended with a context menu duplicating all the action buttons: Add, Modify, Delete, Assign Selected.

Image Added


Drag & Drop functionality for the Roster Timesheet dialog.

The Roster Planning Person Timesheet dialog supports Drag & Drop.


Store the last selected Location and Position after reopening the Assign dialog.

he last selected Position and Location will be displayed for an Assign dialog.

  1. On the first opening of the Person Timesheets, the Assign dialog will not display any predefined Location or Position.

Image Added

2. The Location and Position from the last assignment will be displayed for the Assign dialog after the new opening.

Image Added

3. The Location and Position will be picked up from the defined values in the ‘Find available positions’ dialog if the View button is triggered.

Image Added


Review the position sorting in the Person Timesheet dialog

The positions sorting functionality in the Roster Planning scheduler and Person Timesheet changed. The list of positions is sorted by the SortNr defined in the Locations setup and then by the position name and abbreviation.

Image Added


Add re-fresh button for Person Timesheet dialog

The 'Refresh' button was added to a Roster Planning - Person Timesheet dialog.

Image Added


Add a Report button for the Roster Timesheet dialog.

The Roster by Timesheet report can be set as default in the Roster Planning module, and the corresponding option is located in the report details in the Administrator Portal - Reports Maintain page. The Person Timesheet dialog was extended with the “Generate report' button, and the report will be opened in the new tab.

Image AddedImage Added


Roster totals enhancements

Adjusted Roster planning module grid, so the Timeline on the top of the screen and Totals section at the bottom will be always seen.


Store the settings made in the Roster Scheduler

The Roster Planning scheduler uses a browser session to store the last selected date, location, scale, and search filter.

Image Added


Totals are filtered incorrectly after applying search by Position in the Roster Planning scheduler

The totals filter improvements in the Roster Planning scheduler.


Not possible to create an assignment till the end of the day

Added fix to assign a crew member until the end of the day in the Roster Planning - Person Timesheet dialog.

Image Added


The hits are stuck on the Roster Planning scheduler

The behavior of the hints changed in the Roster Planning module to avoid their hanging on the page.


MLC violation in the Roster Timesheets view

Included MLC violations checking in the Person Timesheets in Roster Planning module.

  • Added the Check/Hide Violations buttons;

  • In case there is a violation in the Roster module, the system alerts by displaying a red time block;

  • Added Popup window that describes why the violation appears;


LogOnCrewMobile returns a non existing view if wrong credentials have been entered

Applied fix for the login page in the mobile application


The 'Assign selected' and 'Modify' buttons are not active for a selected block in the Person Timesheet dialog.

Applied fix for the 'Assign selected' and 'Modify' actions.

APP 2022.32.2 - Early Access Release



Release Notes


Roster module - Totals are different

Applied fix for the Total hour calculations for the overnight time blocks in the Roster Timesheet view.

Image RemovedImage Added


Roster module - Assignment outside activity dates

Extended validations and forbid the possibility of assigning crew members out of activity dates in the Roster Planning scheduler.


"No corresponding Ship settable property" message during Gratuity import from POS

Gratuities import modifications:

  • The new parameter 'Ship' was added to the GM_ImportGratuityByVesselResult API call.

  • The WEB_CP_GRATUITYPOS.ETAG column extended to VARCHAR(100).


The Roster Planning 'Full day assignment' option doesn't work

Applied fix for a ‘Full day assignment’ option in the Roster Planning module - Persons Assignments dialog.


Shares on sign-on and sign-off

mplemented functionality to pick up Gratuities shares on Sign On and Sign Off days from the activity. The system checks the Sign On Time and Sign Off Time and picks up a Share Nr from the Gratuities Module - Settings - Sign On/Off Rules.

Image RemovedImage Added


APP 2022.32.1 - Early Access Release



Release Notes


Modification in the Person's Time Sheet

The following changes being implemented:

  • Roster Planning - Person Timesheet shows available planned shifts for a selected Location and Position by clicking the View button

  • The Person Rimesheet dialog allows assigning a crew member on selected planned time blocks or assigning on all empty planned time blocks.

  • The ‘Assign Empty’ button becomes active if empty planned time blocks are available for the selected Location and Position.

  • The ‘Assign Selected’ button becomes active is the empty planned time block is selected.

  • The Person Timesheet dialog filtrates the available shift by Location and Position.

  • Implemented a possibility to modify manually added shifts ad assignments in the Roster Planning Person Timesheet dialog.

  • Implemented functionality to delete shifts and registrations in the Roster Planning module - Person Timesheet dialog. The delete action can be performed for selected single or multiple blocks.

  • Implemented a possibility to delete multiple selected assignments in the Roster Planning Person Timesheet dialog.

  • The 'Add' time block functionality allows to scheduler the assignment(s) with the following options:

    • Single registration;

    • For the following number of days;

    • until the end of sea service;

    • until the end of the week;

    • until a specific date.


Property Rank Code does not return the correct value

The TAA_ApprovedTimesheetsPerDayAndRank will return a correct Rank Code.


Gangway system; update p03(SONTIME and SOFFTIME) fields

The Gangway system will update the PW001P03.SONTIME and PW001P03.SONTIME of the activity after the SigOn, SignOff, and Undo SignOff actions.


The Gratuities module is calling the wrong endpoint

Modified the endpoint for the Gratuities import.


Display Locations and position with available planned shifts in the Person Timesheets

The Roster Planning Person Timesheet dialog displays only Locations and Positions available for assignment and contains planned shifts.


Forbid to delete empty shifts via Person Timesheet dialog

The system does not allow the deletion of empty planned watches from the Person TImesheet dialog. This can be performed from the Roster Planning scheduler.
This does not affect the custom watches added manually; they can still be deleted from the Person TImesheet dialog.
Planned watches:


Forbid a possibility to modify the assigned shift by an empty shift.

Forbid to modify the planned watches by the custom (manually added) in the Roster Planning Person Timesheet dialog.


Other Versions 


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