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Comment: Updated URLs via script


Course Offerings, Registration and Instructors

  • Manual Course Registration Enhancements- This feature is an update to the existing user interface to manually register students or instructors into an offering. The update provides filtering of the user list based on Profile Fields or text matches against the user’s name, email, or login IDs. It is possible to Select All to speed up Manual Registration admininistration.

  • Create Course Offerings on a Vessel- This feature allows course offerings to be created/ deleted/ updated on Vessel RTSs if the user has permission. An example use case could be for instrutors add onboard users to a specific instructor-led training session

  • Assign Instructors on a Vessel- This feature allows instructors to be added/removed from an offering manually on Vessel RTSs. It also users the new user interface for manually registering users as described above.

  • User Sets- User sets provide a new way to create groups of users defined based on profile values. User sets allow us to define these “groups” in one place and then use them repeatedly across the system (e.g. registration rules, permissions). For example, a customer could define a set of Positions within the “Deck Officers” group. This group can then be assigned training and permissions. If a new Position is then added to “Deck Officers” then this will be updated for all training etc. This is intended to save time on system administration.

  • Registration Rule: OrgProfileDateWithin- This is a new registration rule that will allow customers to register students into courses based on dates contained in profile fields. An example, would be to register a student into a course a fixed time period before an important date e.g. 2 days before they embarked on a vessel. This will help ensure people are registered at the appropriate time to complete training, make reports more accurate and help ensure the crew training load is easier to manage.

  • Update deregistration rules to only remove Registrations created by rules - This change was made to align with customer expectations of manual registrations. Previously if someone created a manual registration that conflicted with de-registration rules then the registration would be quickly deleted. Now regardless of how automatic deregistration rules are configured, the only registrations that they can delete are those which were created by registration rules in the first place. Therefore if someone had created a registration manually it will no longer be deleted by the rules.

Instructor Led-Training (ILT)

  • ILT Upload Attendance - This feature allows attendance information to be uploaded in bulk to the LMS as a CSV spreadsheet. ID information should be included as a single column in the spreadsheet. It is also possible to create registrations and mark as attended if they do not already exist. Error descriptions are provided if IDs cannot be found or other data conflicts or format issues are present.

  • ILT: Submission workflow update- An additional confirmation box has been added to the ILT workflow that allows the user to review the data before it is sent to the server to be recorded. This is to reduce the likelihood of user data-entry errors.

  • ILT: Only users who do have an Attended and completed date can be recorded - Previously it was possible to add Attendance to users with a Completed registration. This is now not possible to ensure consistency of data.

  • ILT: Show Completed and Show Attended checkboxes are linked - Checking the Show Completed or Show Attended checkbox will enable both checkboxes. This better aligns with user expectations. It is still possible to subsequently deselect one of the boxes in situations where you want to be more specific about the user’s shown.

  • ILT: Fixed Poor formatting for long user names in AssessedBy drop-down

Required By Dates

  • Update Required-By Rules for more dynamic date setting- This update allows multiple rules to be specified for computing the Required-By date for a registration. This allows the system to calculate different dates depending on the user’s circumstances e.g. for a first-time registration the Required By Date is 7 days after the Vessel Joining date, but if the user is taking the course a second time when their certificate expires it will be the Certificate Expiry Date.

  • New Required By Date rule to choose the latest of expiry date and profile field date field - This new date function allows the Required-By Date to be set with logic which compares a profile field holding a date and the expiry date of the certificate associated with the registration. For example: the Required-By date should be set to the latest of: "X days after Embarkation Date" or "Certificate Expiry Date for Registration". This allows the system to choose the most appropriate date so users have a chance to complete their training in the time available and remain in compliance.


  • Notification Target: MatchesSubjectProfileFields- This new notification target provides a flexible way of sending notifications to people who “manage” someone.  Generally speaking this means someone with a given role (e.g. represented by the Position profile field) who matches up with certain other properties of the “subject” of a notification, e.g. that they are in the same department. So for example “send a notification to the person who is the “Port Manager” of the “Port” that matches the student’s “Port”.

  • Notification for adding/removing an instructor - A new type of notification has been added to the system which is created when an instructor is added or removed. This could help admins keep informed about who has instructor rights in particular courses.

User Interface

  • New Permission: HasCompletedRegistrations- This permission makes it easier to configure permissions for courses in which the student is allowed to review certain aspects of the course only after taking it. For example, this predicate will allow configurations in which the ability to see or take a “test-out” exam is only available if the student has completed the main course content at least once. This can help reduce training load on users who are taking the course again.


Vessel Synchronization
Sync Performance Enhancements Package- This is a major update to how Vessel RTS synchronisation is implemented which should make the process more efficient, and enable us to increase synchronisation frequency to vessels. This will help user and registration data appear on vessels and shoreside faster.

Bug Fixes

Exam Details View YSOD's if exam link is deleted. Attempting to drill into the exam details view from reporting (e.g. Grades By Student) would result in a YSOD if the exam link that was used to take the exam has been deleted. Fixed.

5554 - Command: Update GetStudentRegistrations to work over multiple courses 

5521 - Command: ImportScorm should validate Scorm version

5550 - Command: csv mode for GetCourses

5737 - Command: ImportScorm inconsistent handling of SCO IDs with the '.' character

5777 - Command: Delete all FCS bindings for a deleted RTA

5597 - Command: GetUsersWithOrgProfileValue error if OPV empty

5595 - Command: EditUserProperty should support the ForcePasswordChange flag

5748 - Command: DeleteOffering error for offering with same shortId as a deleted one

5642 - Add query times to export TSLs

5682 - Free text field on SiteInfo table

5428 - Copy-mode import containing org notification rules attaches to wrong org

5213 - Consecutive error counter for OperationsTasks Collector

5793 - Remove logging from ValidationService.Ping()

5776 - Suppress PathFormatException in GetFileAsStreamByPath()

5769 - Change default handling of parameter validation exceptions to be WARN

5697 - Suppress calling CPMS export handlers on non-Org pages

5794 - Reduce notification email sending failures to WARN level logging